Twilight Saves the Day

Start from the beginning

Which was kind of lame, because that indirectly made me think of him, and the whole point of my thinking exercise was moot. By the time I climbed into the shower, my spirits were practically soaring. It was a surprise I didn’t sprout a set of wings, and flew off to school by now, because that was all I could think about.

I got ready, and when I came down for breakfast, Josh was sitting on the couch, having something in a bowl.

“You know Mom hates it when you eat on the couch.” I greeted him, pouring myself some juice.

“First of all, good morning to you too. Second of all, I don’t see your mom anywhere, so I don’t care what she thinks. And third of all, I am here on business, because unlike you, I am actually good at what I do.”

“And what is it that you do, Oh Great One?” I asked smiling as I settled myself on the table facing him.

“Save your unworthy ass.” He smirked.

“Whatever my ass might be, it definitely is not unworthy.” I laughed, “But what exactly are you planning to do to save it?”

“I got you these.” He smiled and threw a packet at me. The action was so sudden and so unexpected, that it got me by surprise. I just barely managed to catch the packet before it hit me in the face.

“What the hell? Go easy, Josh! It is like five in the morning!”

“Quick reflexes are the primary qualities of being a good Alpha.” He stated like he had learnt it off by heart.

“Where did you get that from? The Secretary’s Handbook for Making a Great Alpha?” I asked, as I opened up the packet he had thrown at me.

I slid my hand in and took out the contents. I stared at them, and then looked at him, “This is all you could come up with? Are you even serious? Or is this one of your practical jokes?”

In my hand rested a pair of contact lenses.

“Twilight isn’t the best movie of our times for nothing.” He smirked, proud of himself.

But all I felt like doing was punching him in the face. This was a matter of life and death for me, and he was borrowing idea from Twilight?

“You have lost it, Josh. Keep going like this, and I am going to have to fire you.” I put the lenses aside, and started to continue my breakfast.

“Forget the Twilight part, and just think about it! Its perfect!” he cried.

And that got me thinking. Stupid as his plan was, maybe it did stand a chance. After all, it would shield me from staring at his eyes directly, it would provide a thin film, a layer between the two of us, effectively preventing him from realizing what we were. Maybe Josh wasn’t getting fired after all.

“You and him can look into each other’s eyes all you want, but technically, he can’t look into your eyes directly, and he won’t even realize it.” Josh babbled.

I nodded. It might be full of crap, but it was worth a shot. After all, I did not have a better plan.

I nodded to Josh, “Thanks man. Let’s see if this works.”

“Jokes apart, there is something else we need to discuss.”

I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

“The names have been pouring in for the posts. Many people are interested.”

“That is a good thing right?” I was confused, “It means people are actually accepting and participating in the new system we have created. It shows people are accepting me.”

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