Waiting for the end

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I woke up then, staring around. The dream was scary to me even now. I still could feel the horror of discovering that I had changed into a monster. The next three days were the worst three days of my life. It was pain and torture like every fibre of my body was being ground into pulp. I tell you, death was all I wished for, somehow so that I could escape the pain.

I was breathing heavily, my chest heaving up and down. I put a hand on my head. Just then, the door of my room opened and in walked the nurse with a woman. The nurse came beside me and asked me how I was. I told her definitely not well. She then introduced me to the lady, Dr. Megan. She was the Doctor who had been called earlier. She came and examined me.

“You have no physical injuries. So this leads me to believe that you are showing metamorphological symptoms.”


She smiled out at my confused expression. “You remember the first time you changed? The experience?”

I flinched, just thinking about it, but nodded. Yet, if I had the choice of changing that pain with the current one I was going through, I would accept without blinking. This was so much worse.

“You felt the pain because your body changed from a human to a part wolf, a werewolf. As for now, you are already a wolf so I guess; your body is taking over the mould of an alpha. Your bloodline and physical features will change. Being alpha will affect you, but in what ways, I can’t predict. Because you are the first female alpha ever. Also you don’t already have alpha blood in you, but I can’t be sure about what happens next. You are much of an exceptional case in many ways. These processes are similar- only this one should be a lot shorter and less painful, according to me. I will give you painkillers; you should be alright by tomorrow.”

I did take the medicines and finally fell into a long, dreamless slumber.


The next morning when I woke up, I felt different. I felt better, and stronger, sharper somehow. I can’t really explain it. I head didn’t hurt neither did I have a temperature, so I just got up and went to the mirror. What I saw made my mouth drop open in shock.

Oh my god.

I was absolutely, positively beautiful.

Ok, as a human, I had been pretty, becoming a werewolf had definitely refined my features,- but this alpha thing made me totally drop dead gorgeous. My eyes had gone totally chocolate brown- a light, interesting shade from the muddy dark brown I had earlier. They had grown almost almond-shaped with their curves well defined. My lashes seemed longer too, perfectly framing my eyes. My face had become more angular, lovelier, and I had developed high cheekbones, that had a hint of pink colour on them. My complexion had gone from pale to pink overnight, and it was very visible. My body too, had changed, becoming voluptuous and curvy, all in the right places.

I looked at myself in the mirror. “Is it my imagination” I said to myself in the mirror, “or do you seem to get prettier every day?” I winked to my reflection in the mirror, and smiled. Hell! I even had developed dimples!

I went into the bath, trying to get ready for school.


Ok, coming to school was a terrible mistake I made today but not worse than being alpha. It was strenuous and it was taxing, and annoying and irritating.

Everywhere I went, people stared, they pointed or greeted or congratulated or something or the other. Everybody had to say something to me, to acknowledge or congratulate or catch up with me- like I was a celebrity or something. I was totally the talk of the town. And I absolutely hated it. It was pathetic, really. You couldn’t walk through the corridors in peace. A group of sophomores even managed to tag along and follow me wherever I went. Jeez. That was creepy. I wasn’t used to all this attention and I didn’t like it one single bit.

Not Strong EnoughNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ