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Heart pumping wildly, I braced myself. My ears were straining to catch another sound- a rustle, a whisper, anything really that could hint at what was going on. But everything was silent except for the wind. I looked out of the window and all was silent and quiet, but my instincts told me something was off. I decided that I might as well go out and see for myself.

The surroundings were eerily quiet as I stepped out onto the porch. I looked around for any sign of what could have caused the disturbance.

Suddenly a baseball bat crashed with a huge force against the back of my head. It was hit hard enough that any other human or werewolf would have been knocked out; but being Alpha made me stronger. Still the force of the blow made my head pound and I could see stars dancing in my vision as a groan escaped me.

It didn't stop there, however. The bat came back again, this time with greater force against my skull. It made me dizzy and grit my teeth, as white hot rage shook me.

"Why won't she just die?" groaned one of my attackers. I instantly recognised it as Dan's idiotic sidekick and Beta. So they had come back to me for revenge. Very well, so be it. It was their funeral. I had no intention of holding bad blood against Dan or any of his cronies. I could have ended him in the fight itself, could have taken his life when I took his title, but I needed to set a better precedent. Also I didn't think Dan was a bad person. He was just not capable of the position that he had been put in.

But by personally coming after me, he had let things get too far. He had overstepped his boundaries, and needed to be taught a lesson. If I let him get away with this, it would portray weakness on my part and jeopardise my position as Alpha. That was something that I couldn't let happen.

"It's her Alpha blood. Or perhaps you just hit like a wuss! Try Harder!" another voice taunted him, whom I recognised as another of Dan's cronies.

I growled with anger and frustration, my wolf taking over, and turned around, baring my teeth. That was the last thing they would before I shredded them. But turning around so suddenly made me suddenly woozy and the surroundings spun, as I lost my balance and fell to my knees. Something dark and liquid fell into my eyes as my vision blurred. I clenched my teeth tight. No way in hell was I going down without a fight.

"Yeah, she is down! Keep going another blow or two should do it!" someone said from behind me. My head was bursting now, so I wasn't able to place the voice but I led out a cry as another blow stuck me just above the ear. I slumped down from the force of it all, and gather my strengths. The attackers cheered, as they thought I had gone down. I counted the number of feet. There were probably five or maximum eight of them. In my condition and the amount of injuries I had taken, I could take down four, max five. I quickly decided to make it as gruesome as possible, hoping it would be enough to scare away the rest. If not, I would cross the bridge when I came to it. Taking a deep calming breath, I waited for the next blow to strike. The attackers had all closed in, in anticipation of my death. Just as I heard the sound of the bat flying through the air, I stuck, yelling out a war cry. It was joined in by my wolf too, who was mega pissed. It rang with authority and rage. Today we were sending these monsters straight to hell, there would be no mercy.

The suddenness of my movements took them by surprise, and they scattered quickly like I had expected. I quickly seized the bat from the attacker and plunged it into his stomach with force. It was enough to kill him, but I had three men to scare off who had to be too scared to fight me. So with a hoarse yell, I ripped open his body, letting his intestines fall to the ground. His blood splashed across my face, missing with mine, as he slumped at my feet, dead.

I didn't wait as I turned to my next attacker, who was backing away, though he had a knife in his hand. He either didn't know how to use it, or my attempt to scare them had worked. He was terrified of me. I hurled myself at him, showing no fear, as he flattened against a tree. I bared my teeth at him, signalling to him that his end was near. I was going to rip him limb from limb. That would teach him a lesson on respecting his Alpha. Just as I was about to lunge, eager to rip his throat out, when there was a loud sound of a shot, and my right leg buckled under me. Bewildered, I glanced at my leg, as I fell, my one good leg unable to support my weight. I looked around as somebody cursed. Apparently they had aimed a gun at me, and had missed. I had not counted that they could have a gun. That made it seven men and a knife and a gun.

Me, on the other hand, had a skull fracture and a punctured leg. The odds didn't seem to be in my favour. But I wasn't one to go down without a fight. I faced by attackers who held the gun now, and the others looked on worriedly. It seemed to be stuck. This was my opportunity to strike. I braced myself, when a knife was placed at my throat, the cool silver blade singing my skin.

"Don't even think about moving. This is gonna be over soon anyway. We told you to stay away; warned you to mind your own business, to stay away from Dan. But foolish little girl that you are, you never listened. You know what you are? You are weak, and pathetic. You can't command us or anyone else, you are not strong enough."

My blood boiled at those words, How dare he say that to me, I would-

The blade cut deeper into my throat, just as three things happened at one.

1. I grabbed the legs of the man holding the knife to my throat. He was too busy giving his little speech to notice what I had been planning all along. I turned him over and he landed in front of me with a grunt. I made quick work of taking the knife and slashing his throat with it, quickly. I had no time for theatrics.

2. The other attackers suddenly looked up as their weapon came back on track, and a shot was fired. It missed, or maybe they were making sure that the gun worked, anyhow, the gun pointed straight to me, and they all sneered. This time, it would not miss.

3. I stared at the man holding the gun, challenging him to do it. Pull the trigger. I wasn't going to just accept my fate. I would go down fighting. I had no means of escape, but my eyes searched frantically for cover that I could get to. There was nothing in sight, but even if there was, the chances of me getting anywhere were pretty slim, my injured leg made sure of that.

And then there was another shot. I could see the bullet coming straight for me. I was going to die.

I took in a deep breath, and my chest ached from the effort, and suddenly, I was in a tremendous amount of pain. My face hurt, my neck hurt, my leg hurt. Everything was bleeding and paining. So this is how it all ends for me.

And suddenly out of nowhere, a man jumped in front of me and took the bullet. I slumped down in relief.

I was saved.

A/N : Hey so guys this is another update. Please vote and comment if you like the story. Who do you think the mysterious saviour is? If you have any comments and suggestions, feel free to tell me about them! Hope you enjoy reading the chapters as much as I love writing them!


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