“I did.”

“Do you mind asking me how?” I said quietly.

Simon smirked. “Alex mentioned it.”

“He did?” He didn’t. Alex would never do that, I was sure of it.

“Mmmhmm,” Simon nodded, “Last night. He thought it was quite funny. We had a good laugh about it.”

“About Jacob,” I said, the words tasting bitter in my mouth.

“Was he in debt when he went into Juvie?” Simon asked innocently, “Do you think that’s what drove him over the edge?”

I looked at him. He reminded me of a shark, flat faced, pale-skinned. Dead eyes.

“If you don’t mind,” I said after a second, “I’d rather not talk about that.”

“Of course,” Simon said, holding his hands up defensively, “I would never make you do something you don’t want to do.”


I left the bus as soon as I could, trying to forget the weird conversation I’d had with Simon. The bus was parked outside of the venue, and I guessed that everyone else was already inside, setting up. I realised a little too late that I didn’t have anything to prove that I was supposed to be there, so I began to rush around, looking desperately for someone from the bus who would be able to stop any security guard from trying to kick me out.

“Finley!” I jumped, and turned around.

Zack was standing there behind me. “Hey, you’re finally up,” He said, smiling at me. “We were starting to wonder.”

“Hi, Zack,” I said, relaxing. “Sorry, I... got held up.” I shrugged. “Where is everyone?”

He shrugged. “Just setting up all our stuff. Now they’re doing the soundcheck.”

“Okay,” I said, then frowned, “Em, shouldn’t you be doing a soundcheck?”

Zack laughed. “I’ve already done it. I only take about fifteen seconds, and then I’m done. I was just on my way to go and get my weights set up. Everyone else should be still there, though, if you want to watch.”

I nodded. “Sure, sounds like fun.”

“Cool. It’s down the corridor, to your -” He cut himself off, “Are you going to get lost again if I give you directions?”

I blushed. “Is anyone ever going to let that go?”

“Probably not,” Zack smirked, “Come on, I’ll show you the way.”

He turned me around and began to lead me down another corridor. Unusual for Zack , considering how everyone thinks of his as the silent type, we chatted as we walked.

“So how’s the photography going?” Zack asked me.

“Um,” I frowned, “Okay. Alex got me a new camera and stuff. I haven’t been taking all that many photos recently... I took some of Baltimore, just around the town and stuff, but nothing since then.”

Zack nodded, “Well, you have been kind of occupied. But did you bring your camera on tour?”

“Yeah,” I said, “Alex thought that it’d be good, you know, say if you have interviews and stuff, I can wander around the city with my camera or whatever. You know, the same way you let little kids play on your phone so they don’t get bored.”

“Or maybe he actually wants to encourage your hobbies,” Zack suggested sarcastically.

I frowned. “Yeah, good point.”

Kill Me With Words (All Time Low Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now