It's Positive

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It has been a few months and I haven't told anyone about my secret. I'm not the best at keeping secrets, so I'm not sure how I kept this one. I'm surprised no one has figured it out yet.

Niall had come over and we were hanging out in my room. We were watching the new Anchorman movie. Niall was laying with his head in my lap, "I talked to your mom today."

Niall looks up at me, "Oh, really? What did she say, Princess?"

"She wanted to know if you were okay, because you weren't at home," I say with my eyes still glued to the movie.

"Okay, I'll give her a call back. Was that it?"

"Yep!" I say popping the p. We continue to watch the movie, until I ask Niall something important, "What happened to your sister, Ni?"

Niall pauses the movie, "She was in a car accident. That's why I have those bad dreams. They are about her and everyone that I love leaving me." He sits up on the bed.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"It was all my fault. I shouldn't have been texting," Niall was now crying. I didn't know that he cried.

"Don't cry and it wasn't your fault," I say giving him a hug.

"Yes, it was! That is why I moved and became this!" Niall says motioning to his tattoos and piercings.

He has ever snapped at me before, "Nialler, calm down! Everything is going to be fine. Okay, Ni?"

He takes a deep breath and nods, "She would have been 2 today."

"I know, your mom told me. She is worried about you." Maura told me everything Niall did after the accident. I hope that Niall tells me his part of the story.

"She was only 4 months old. I was taking her to the store with me to get Mum some medicine. I was texting my friend about a party that we were going to on Friday. I didn't see the car that ran the red light. The guy hit her side of the car and sent our car spinning. We hit a pole and our car came to a stop. I had been knocked out and someone else called in the accident. I woke up in the hospital about an hour later. I asked where my sister was and they said that she died on impact. I cried for days, because she was no longer with my family. I loved her, like she was my own. I looked after her all the time. I couldn't talk to anyone in my family for months. I found out who hit us, and I made sure that they never did it again. I beat him up so badly that he was put in the hospital for 2 weeks. Then we moved here, because Mum wanted to protect me." I wipe the tears away from Niall's eyes.

"Hey, everything is in the past, so let's live for right now," I say as I run my hands through his light pink hair. He dyed it for his sister.

Niall smiles and kisses me, "How did I get so lucky?"

I laugh at him, "You? How did I get so lucky? If I have a girl, I'm going to name her, Emily Rose."

Niall looks at me with a shocked expression, "W-why Emily?"

"In memory of my best friend's sister," I say with a smile.

"You don't have to do that. And how do you know her name?" Niall says and I can see him blushing.

"Your mom told me. I know I don't have to, but I want to." Maura told me that Niall had picked out the name, Emily. Niall used to call her, Princess Emily. That must be why he thinks that he needs to protect me. He needs to protect the things that he loves the most. That's why he agreed to move here with his mom. To keep her safe from his bad habits.

"Well, I'm gonna name my son, if I have one, Jasper James," Niall says with a big grin.

"Why would that be?"

"For my best friend's brother," he says bopping my nose with his finger.

"How sweet of you, Horan." Niall blushes and kisses my cheek. He plays the rest of the movie. I guess now is the best time to tell Niall. I lay down on my bed and rub my tummy. How could no one tell? Maybe because I always wear baggy hoodies. "Niall, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, Princess?" Niall looks over at me.

Here goes nothing, "I'm pregnant and it's yours."

His mouth drops open, "Really? I'm going to be a dad?!"

I laugh, "Yeah, if you want."

Niall lays down next to me and grabs my waist, "Of course I want to be a dad. Especially if you get to be the mum." I roll my eyes and kiss his lips. "How long have you known?"

"Quite some time, but you're the only one that knows."

"Is it a boy or a girl? When is he or she due?" Niall has so many questions.

"I'm not sure what the gender is, but the due date is February 24th."

"I want it to be a surprise, so lets not find out," Niall suggests. I nod and smile at him. He is super excited to be a father. I hope he actually stays around and wants to be with us. Niall plays another movie once Anchorman 2 is over. I fall asleep and Niall turns the TV off when the movie is over.

When we wake-up in the morning, we tell my family and Niall's family. They are all happy, but they are shocked at the same time. Six months is a long time for hiding a pregnancy. At first I had morning sickness, but then it stopped. People noticed that, but they just thought that I was sick. And the baggy hoodies were because it was getting colder. They started putting the pieces together and they realized that I did show pregnancy signs.

~Fast Forward~

My baby is due any day and I can't wait. I've waited so long and I'm super excited. From the first time that he/she kicked, Niall knew that he/she was going to be a good soccer player. I didn't want to make him feel bad, so I let him buy a Derby County jersey for our little baby. He even bought cute little shoes for the baby to match with the jersey and pants. Niall likes to buy baby clothes. I'm not sure why, but I can tell that he's having a good time. I can also tell that he is going to be a fantastic dad.

"Mom! It's time!" I yell for my mother from the bathroom. It was in the middle if the night. I grab my bag and my mom helps me get into her car. Niall is at his house, so I'll call him when I get to the hospital. My mom drives me to the hospital and I text my aunt. My aunt is coming to give support. Once at the hospital, I give Niall a call.

N: "Hello?"

Me: "Hey, babe. I'm sorry to wake you but it's time."

N: "What? Are you sure?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm at the hospital."

N: "I'll be there soon."

Giving birth is the worst pain ever, but the outcome of it is amazing. Holding that bundle of joy in my arms and hearing the first cry. I almost started crying. I looked over to Niall and he had tears in his eyes. Seeing him that happy, made me happy. I was in labour for almost a whole day. I arrived early in the morning on the 23rd and gave birth that night. At 11:23 p.m on February 23rd, our baby was born.

One of the nurses asks, "What is the name for the birth certificate?"

Niall has remembered, "Emily Rose..," but he doesn't know the last name.

"Horan. Emily Rose Horan," Niall's eyes go wide at what I just said.

"Are you sure, Princess?"

"Yes, I'm sure," I say with a smile. Niall smile and I hand him Emily.

"Emily Rose Horan, it is. Congrats to you two love birds," and with that she leaves.

"I love you, Lily!"

"I love you, Niall!" I give him a kiss. He climbs in next to me on the bed. Niall looks down and gives Emily a kiss on the forehead. His eyes light up every time he looks at her. I can't believe that this bundle of joy is ours. I can't believe that Niall is mine.

How did I get so lucky?

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