You're Mine

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I wake up to my alarm clock blasting the song 18 into my ears. I look at my clock, 6:00. I should get up, so I can look decent today. I get up and take a shower. After the shower, I wake Della up. I go get dressed, a pair of black leggings and a hot pink, v-cut, short sleeve shirt. Della has to be to school before 7:45, I hope my mom brings her on time. I put some mascara on and pull some fuzzy socks. I go downstairs to find my mom has left for work and brought Della to school. The clock on the stove reads, 7:50.

"Ezmia, you better get down here. Or I'm leaving your sorry ass at home," I yell up the stairs for her. I'm a nice sister, aren't I? I pull on my UGG boots and sling my backpack over my shoulders.

"I didn't even eat breakfast yet," she says with her hands on her hips.

I do the same as her, "Well, get in the car and we'll go get Caribou." She smiles and runs out to my car. I drive to Caribou and we get our coffee. I make my way to Ezmia's school and then mine. The bell rings at 8:25, indicating that we have 5 minutes to get to homeroom. After 5 minutes in homeroom, I walk to first period.

Niall is nowhere to be found. Amber turns around to face me, "Where is lover boy? Did you guys have too much fun?"

My eyes go wide, "Amber! No, just that one time and I have no idea where he is." She only laughs. We get the period to work on our projects. I get about 1/2 way done, considering Niall isn't here.

When I go to choir, we go to the auditorium to practice for the concert. In the top corner, sitting in the dark, is Niall. What the hell? I walk up there to talk to him. "You look cute today," he says once I reach him.

"Thanks, Niall. Why are you up here?" I kinda had a guess on why he was up her, but I ask anyway.

"I'm here to film you girls," he says with a smile. Oh, for the school news. To encourage the students to support the choirs. I was right. I walk back down and do my singing thing along with the other girls. And Niall does his filming thing.

In chemistry, I can't believe what I see. How could this happen? Who did this to them? I walk over to my table, "Who did this to you guys?"

"Your punk-of-a-boyfriend did this to us!" Huh? Who?

"I don't know who you're talking about, Trevor." I sit down in my seat.

"Niall. He did this to Alex and me!" Fuck! Why would he do that?

"He's not my boyfriend." I say as I pull out my notebook.

"That's not what he said. He said to not touch you because you were his now." Niall has no ownership over me. We are just friends.

Right then, Zayn Malik walks in with three yellow passes. He waves and smiles at me. I do the same back to him. Zayn is a lovely guy. "Niall, Alex, and Trevor at 2:45," White says. They must be for Niall beating up Alex and Trevor. They each had a black eye and they looked in pain. Niall, on the other hand, had not one scratch on him. Besides his bloody knuckles. That must be why he was gone in Smith's class and distant when I talked to him in choir.

After school, I drove straight home after I picked up Ezmia. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I got a text from Niall, around 4 o'clock, asking where I was. I responded back and he said he will be over in 10 minutes.

"Mom's not going to be happy, Lily," Ezmia said to me as I walk to the front door. Niall parks on the side of the street.

"Does it look like I care, Ezmia? I don't give a shit," I say as Niall walks in and we go to my room. We listen to 5sos and finish our poster. "Why did you beat them up?" I say out of the blue.

Out of My Limit (Punk Niall Horan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें