Secret Tattoos

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I wake up and put my glasses on. I look at my alarm clock, it reads 11:23. I look over at Niall and he is still sleeping. That boy loves sleep as much as he loves food. I pick up Niall's clothes and put them in the washer with some of my clothes. I leave Niall's swim trunks on my bed for him to wear when he wakes up. I put on my swimsuit and walk downstairs. I go into the kitchen and see Della and Ezmia, "Wanna go swimming?"

"Yeah!" They both say at the same time. They run upstairs and put on their swimsuits.

I go out back and see that Zayn's yard is trashed. That was some party. I go back inside to grab towels. I run out to my backyard and jump into my pool. A few seconds later, Ezmia and Della are jumping in. We enjoy our girl time for about 20 minutes. Niall makes his way out back, "Morning, Sleeping Beauty!"

He lets out a chuckle, "Haha, very funny, Princess." Niall jumps into the pool right next to me. We swim for an hour or two, until my sisters get hungry.

I was giving Della a piggyback ride, "I'm hungry, Lily."

I stand a few feet away from the pool, "Okay, plug our nose." She plugs her nose and I jump in with her on my back. We come back to the surface, "Wanna go to Burger King?" she nods her head and we tell the other two about our plans. We get out and get ready to leave. We climb into my car, "I need to go to the store first. Then we can go eat."

At the store I get a yellow cake mix, chocolate frosting, and a tube of blue frosting. I go back out to my car and Niall asks, "What's this for?"

I smile and pull out of the parking lot, "I'll tell you during lunch." I drive towards Burger King and Niall and the girls sing along to the radio. I pull into the parking lot and park my car. We walk inside and order our food. Niall ordered a bunch of food, I thought he was buying extra. To my surprise, Niall ate it all and he shared some with me.

While Della and Ezmia play in the playplace, I tell Niall about 'the day'. "Remember when you found my tattoo and you asked what it meant?" He nods, "And I told you that it didn't mean anything?" He nods again, "Well, that's not true. It's for my brother. Today was the day that he was born." He was born on June 21st of 2009. He had the cutest big brown eyes. He was small at birth, but he had lots of hair. It was thick and dark brown. He would have been a lady killer.

"Aww, I'm sorry. What happened?" My eyes got teary and Niall wipes them away with his thumb, "Don't cry, babe."

"He was just 2 months old and he stopped breathing. It was in the middle of the night when he past away," I say wiping my eyes. At the time, we didn't know what happened to him. It was a hard thing for everyone in the family. A few weeks after my brothers death, my parents got a divorce.

"I'm sorry, Princess,"Niall says giving me a hug.

"That's why I got this tattoo. He was my little butterfly. Well, he still is my little butterfly," I smile as I remember his little hands. He always liked to be touching another person. Whenever I babysat him, he would wrap his hand around my finger. He liked to sleep while holding my finger. He really liked me and I defiantly loved him.

"I have something to confess, too. I got the same tattoo as you."

I smile, "I know, you told me last night." His eyes went wide. He had no idea of what happened last night. He hardly remembered anything. The last thing he remembered was when I left the party. I tell the girls that its time to go and they make their way down to us.

When we get home, we make the cake. "Happy Birthday, Jasper!" I tell Niall and he writes it on the cake.

"After dinner, will we light the candle, Lily?" Ezmia asks.

I nod, "Yes, Ezzy." I put the cake in a container and slip on my shoes. Toby and Justin walk in as I'm putting them on. They never did understand why we did this for Jasper. I walk back into the living room, "I'll see you guys in a little bit. Coming, Niall?" I walk out to my car and he follows.

I get in and start the car. "Where are we going?" Niall asks.

"You'll see when we get there," I say and drive to the place. It takes about 15-20 minutes to get there.

"A tattoo parlor!" Niall was excited. It was like taking a little kid to the toy store.

I nod, "Lets go, Horan."

I get a tattoo on my ring finger that says 'Jasper' in cursive. Niall was getting a tattoo, too. He wouldn't tell me what it was. The guy that did mine, told me what Niall was getting. Niall was getting a tattoo that said 'Lily' on his finger in cursive. Another tattoo that reminded him of me. We each pay and get back into my car.

"Why did you do that, Nialler?"

He smirks, "Do what?" Like he didn't know.

"Get my name tattooed on your body," I say looking at him. We were stopped at a red light.

"Because I want to remember you forever," he says giving me a kiss. I hear the cars behind me honking their horns. I break away and we both laugh. I hit the gas pedal and drive home.

That night after dinner, I show my mom my new tattoo. She got teary eyed, but she loved it. We light the candle and Niall plays Happy Birthday on the guitar. Everyone is blown away by his skills. Niall was right, he is good at playing the guitar. After cake, we get ready to settle down for the night.

"Do you have to leave, Ni?" I look over to see Della sitting on Niall's lap. I smile at how cute they are. Della really likes Niall and Niall is super sweet to her.

"Yeah, I don't think your mum would like it if I stayed, Dell." They are already on a nickname basis. That is just adorable.

"Niall, you can stay the night. If you want," my mom says. Niall looks at me in shock. Wow, did she really say that?!

Niall and I get ready for bed. I get into my pjs and Niall strips down to his boxers. We climb into my bed and get under the blankets, "How old would he be?"

I look over to Niall, "He would have turned 6 today. I always wanted to be that sister that cheered him on at his t-ball games. Or gave him advice on how to ask a girl out. We would have been best buds."

He smiles at me, "Oh, it wasn't that long ago when he passed. To make you feel better, I would have been right there next to you. We would be the loudest cheerers for him. They probably would have kicked us out for being too loud."

I nod and laugh at Niall. I curl up next to Niall and he wraps his arm around me. Jasper would have liked Niall, too. They would have been best buds. The date, June 21st, will forever be apart of Niall life.

Niall James Horan has no clue what he has gotten himself into. I like to cause trouble, I am trouble. My middle name is trouble, not really but it should be. Everyone told me to be careful, when they should have been telling Niall that.

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