Tattoos, Kindness, and Favors

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After the party for Toby's family, we went back home. It wasn't the best, due to the fact that his family was being judgmental. We stayed at the party all day. Once I was home, I went straight to my room. I got ready for bed and put in a movie because I wasn't sleepy. I climb into my bed and press play on the remote, so The Breakfast Club starts.

This movie always reminds me of my dad. This is his favorite movie from when he was a kid. He got me addicted to watching it. My parents are divorced, so we only see our dad on the weekends. Della and Ezmia go to his house almost every weekend. I, on the other hand, usually don't go to his house. My dad and I don't have a bond like my sisters and him have. He wasn't really there when I was little, because he lived with his parents in a different city. I was born due to teenage pregnancy.

I had fallen asleep during the movie, but was woken up by my phone. I got a text from someone. That someone was Niall.

Nialler: 'Wanna babysit with me tomorrow?'

Me: 'I have to watch Della tomorrow'

Nialler: 'I'll come over with Theo :)'

Me: 'Fine. Now let me sleep'

Nialler: 'Night, Princess :* I'll see you tomorrow'

Niall and Theo come over at 1 o'clock. "He is so cute!" Della says as Theo grabs her finger. Della loves babies.

I smile, "Not as cute as his uncle." Niall turns his head and smiles at me. We just hang out and watch tv.

"So tell me, what does your tattoo mean, Princess?" Niall says lifting up my shirt to reveal my tattoo.

Shit, I can't tell him. I'm not ready for this. Maybe I'll tell him when the right time comes. "Oh, it doesn't mean anything. It's just a butterfly. What about this one?" I say pointing to his collarbone, "23/11/2013"

I feel him shiver as I say that, "That's the day my sister was born. She meant the world to me. You have your lip pierced and a tattoo, anything else you're hiding?"

Nope, I'm not hiding anything. Except the meaning of my tattoo. "I have another tattoo," I say with a smile.

"Really, where?!" I hand Theo to Niall and show him my tattoo. It is on my middle finger on my left hand. "Wow, that's amazing! It's 5sos on the side of your finger. I like the placing of it," he says giving me a kiss. The tattoo is the 5sos tally and then the SOS after the tally marks. Kinda like '卌SOS'

"Eww! Niall kissed Lily on the cheek," Della says. I thought she was watching tv. I turn to her and laugh. I give Niall a kiss on the lips and she closes her eyes. Della turns back to the tv, "You two are weird!"

I roll my eyes, "Being weird is fun, Della. Thank you, Ni. Are you hiding anything from me?"

Niall thinks about it for awhile then says, "Well, you wouldn't think that I could do this, but I can play the guitar." Really?

"You can sing and play the guitar! You're gonna have to show me someday," I say with a smile. Niall laughs and hands me Theo. I know why he handed my Theo, he needed a diaper change. Fuck you, Niall. While I change Theo, Niall is eating food in my kitchen.

At three o'clock my mom gets home from wherever she was. She walks into the kitchen and sees us sitting in the living room, "Hi, Niall! How are you?" She was actually being nice. That's a first with Niall.

Niall looks at me with a shocked expression on his face, "I'm good, just getting some help with babysitting."

My mom walks over and falls in love with Theo, "He is super cute. He has those adorable chubby cheeks. Who is he?"

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