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"You're being awfully weird." Eleanor snapped me out of my thoughts. I was busy looking at the bruised up girl that had her head on my lap as I sat in the backseat with her.

"What? Why?" I asked her in confusion.

"What's so special about this girl? Why are you so drawn to her?" she questioned, eyeing me.

"I'm not!" I argued.

"You are! Look at you!" Roland sided with Eleanor, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm not drawn to her! I just feel sorry for her. She looks like she has been tortured for so long and she looks so...innocent," I tried to justify my actions to them. A voice inside my head told me that whatever I was feeling was not just out of pity.

"Be careful, we don't know her kind yet, and she will most probably be a human, you know the rules," Roland warned me.

"Of course, I know the rules, I'm an emperor," I muttered. According to the law, Vampires could not get into any kind of relationship with human beings. Friendship was the only allowed connection and it was not preferable. If a vampire fell in love with a human being, then both of them shall be executed. Many people got executed because of that law. No matter how harsh the laws were,  I had a belief that you could never control your feeling towards somebody in spite of its kind.

"Can you hurry? Her skin is getting colder, she will die if you don't drive faster," I asked Roland since he was driving.

"So what if she dies? We've witnessed more tragic deaths in our lives," Eleanor said causally. Why was she being so heartless towards her?

"I don't know, I just want to save her," I confessed, looking down at her. Her chest was rising and falling slowly, as if it was not moving at all, giving me the feeling that she might stop breathing in any second.

An hour later, we finally arrived at my castle and the moment Roland parked the car, I picked the girl's injured body carefully yet quickly and ran with my supersonic speed to the hospital ward inside the castle. The doctor, who was a human, immediately stood up once he saw me and I gently laid her body down on the bed. Humans had their own doctors who were also considered slaves, yet they did not do any kind of slavery jobs and the same thing was with the nurses.

I kept a human doctor in my empire in case one of my slaves got sick. I was never fond of mistreating my slaves. Although I was known to be a cold-hearted monster among vampires, humans saw me as a merciful emperor. A part of me always wanted to give them a glimpse of what they got deprived of.

"Can you treat her?" I asked him as I saw him examining her. I could read his thoughts, he thought that she was a lost cause.

"I'll do my best," he answered me. His answer was diplomatic and that was what I liked about him.

"What do the primary examinations indicate?" I asked him and the first word that came to his mind was 'death'. "Something apart from death," I added and he gave me an apologetic look.

"Well, she is severely malnourished and dehydrated. Her blood pressure is very low and so is her sugar level. Her heart is barely beating too," he informed me.

"Do your best and treat her, I don't want her to die," I told him before leaving the room. I did not want to show my emotions in the presence of anyone. Emotions were a dangerous weapon that usually backfired. Emotions were better off hidden.

I made my way to my room, hoping that I could be blessed with a couple of hours of sleep. After I took off my clothes, I lay down in my king-sized bed. My room was divided into three parts. A part that contained the bed and the dresser, the other part consisted of a big L shaped couch and a TV and the last part was the dressing room.

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