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"ALRIGHT," Derek murmured, chuckling. "Finish drinking your coffee — today's a big day."

Rose yawned, nodding. "Joy."

For the first time in four years, she'd be walking back into Quantico — this time to make sure she hadn't lost her flair: her much-needed athleticism. She looked at Marco who was eating a bowl of Cocoa Puffs and smiled a little.

"Cheer up, Buttercup. Look at it like this, you're already hired, and you know how to kick butt, so," Derek said as he raised his shoulder, stirring what was left of his coffee, before drinking it down.

"That's true, and I get my bar results this afternoon." She grinned at him and he smiled at her before they both turned their head at the sound of Marco hopping down from his chair, carrying his empty bowl above his head before placing it in the sink via the step stool they had gotten for him.

Derek softly chuckled as he watched the four year old toddle off to his room to put on his shoes and grab his backpack for his day at the pre-school Rosalie had found for him, and she stood up, buttoning her blouse and rolling her shoulders back before bringing her cup to the sink and rinsing it out. 

As they were about to speak, Marco came back running, his backpack jiggling with the contents inside as Rose handed him his lunch box. "Ready, buddy?"

"Yes!" Marco replied before he grabbed Rosalie's hand and Derek grabbed his keys. Marco sped up a little so they could keep up with Derek before he reached his hand up and took Derek's in his other hand, his lunch box in between his hand and the older man's. 

"Everyone got what they need?" Derek questioned, and after seeing the two mutual nods, he smiled before opening the door and letting them out the apartment door.  The sound of footfall filled the stairwell before Derek made a soft oof when he picked Marco up and placed him on his shoulders as they walked to the car. 

Derek set him down, easing him into his car seat before shutting the door, and letting Marco buckle himself in as Rose made her way to the passenger seat. 

"Alright, all aboard the preschool express," Derek said with a goofy grin on his face. "Choo-choo."

"Choo-choo!" Marco yelled from the backseat, before proceeding to go ahead with the "chugga-chugga-chugga-choo-choo!" as Derek backed out of the parking space, causing the two adults to erupt into a fit of laughter.

. . .

Rosalie walked into the Pit, wrapping her knuckles. One of the handlers stood off to the side, arms folded across his chest as she walked over and extended her hand. "Rosalie Salvatore, right?"

"That would be me," Rose said; her ponytail swishing with the slight movement of her head. 

"I'm Michael, part of your team. The rest of the  team will be here soon for observation as well as a few others, meanwhile, you can warm up if you need it."

PRAY FOR ME · DEREK MORGANWhere stories live. Discover now