Chapter 6

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A/N: I have no idea how to brew the coffee the right way since I just used instant coffee powder lmao

Taehyung's POV

"So to brew coffee the right way," Jungkook stated before taking out a bag of fresh coffee beans from his cabinet and a thing that I didn't know of.

"This," he said while pointing to the thing I didn't know what it was. "Is an automatic burr grinder."

I hummed in acknowledgement before observing what he was doing next.

Jungkook then tilted the bag of coffee beans labeled "Lightly roasted Ethiopian coffee beans" into the container at the top of the machine before securely securing the hopper lid in position. He then proceeded to turn the grind adjustment wheel to the desired setting, watching the machine grind the coffee beans.

I stared with interest as I watched the coffee beans been grounded by the machine, from large coffee beans into tiny pieces that resembled powder.

"Now, make sure you take note on how long the machine had been grinding the coffee beans for. If the coffee beans are over-extracted, it is gonna make the coffee too bitter. And if the coffee beans grinded are still too coarse, it is under-extracted which will make the coffee taste flat," Jungkook stated matter of factly before proceeding to switch off the machine.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to make a mental note of what Jungkook had said. Should have brought a paper and pen, why did my lazy self thought it was a good idea to leave them in the office?

Jungkook then opened the hopper lid, the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans filled my nostrils.

"Use only filtered or bottled water, if you let me catch you using tap water you're in deep shit. Who knows what kind of impurities has been inside that thing," Jungkook remarked before taking two teaspoons of ground coffee and adding it into a jug of lukewarm water.

"Why won't you just use coffee powder? Like you know that thing is instant and you can just pour water over it?" I asked, clearly confused as to why someone would go through so much trouble just to make a cup of coffee.

"That shit's nasty. I prefer my coffee freshly brewed instead of processed."

"And also, make sure to ground new coffee beans every day and I expect my daily cup of coffee to be on my desk at 8am sharp. Only use Ethopian coffee beans and I expect you to refil it everytime the bag of coffee beans goes empty," he continued before taking a sip of the coffee and relishing in the heavenly taste.

He handed the cup of coffee over to me before motioning to me to try it. I drank a sip and almost moaned at how good the coffee tasted, the coffee somehow tasted tea-like and sweet, with notes of berries and other fruits along with the aroma taste of the coffee which somehow just managed to blend together perfectly and create this cup of rich and piquant coffee.

"I expect my coffee to be up to this standard."

I almost cried at all the information I had to remember just to make a cup of coffee. Why did I sign up for this? Oh right I needed cash and my boss was too handsome to say no to.

"Let's get started in practicing shall we?" he asked.

I nodded before switching on the appliance. I was focused on getting the machine to start when I felt a weight on my shoulder. I nearly yelped in surprise when I saw that Jungkook had placed his head on my shoulder, staring intently at what I was doing with both of his palms placed on the counter, dangerously close to my hips.

"Relax baby don't need to be so tense," he muttered before showing me a lazy smile as he brought his hands up to rub circles on my hip bones.

Is this okay? Why is he touching me? Wait isn't he my boss whaT is he doing oH my god save mE. I internally shrieked not realizing that I was about to pour in this mysterious brown substance into the container of the automatic burr grinder.

"Taehyung, why are you pouring a packet of brown sugar?"

I snapped out of my thoughts before seeing the brown crystals in the bag that I was currently holding. I furrowed my eyebrows before reading the label: "Brown pure cane sugar".

"Yea what am I doing?" I questioned myself before slapping myself in the forehead and causing me to wince in pain at the same time.

Taehyung what are you doing?? It's time to get your shit together and stop thinking about the coconut headass behind you and concentrate.

A/N: I really have no idea to brew coffee so I'm just winging this chapter along with some research I did on Google lol

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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