Chapter 3

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No one's POV


The lift stopped at the 6th floor. Taehyung huffed as he carried the many cartons of stuff he had to his new cubicle which was located beside a male's called Baekhyun.

The clock read 8.59am. Taehyung was early for once. He shivered as he recalled the words that Jungkook said to him yesterday and how close their faces were, their noses almost brushing against each other.

Taehyung felt his heart beat quicken before letting out a yelp as he nearly tripped over one of the many wires laying around.

"Holy flying pancakes! I nearly fell to my death!" Taehyung shrieked as he tried to balance himself with the boxes he had in his arms.

Upon hearing Taehyung's shriek, a brown haired male peeked from his work cubicle only to see Taehyung struggling to prevent the boxes from falling.

"Oh fucking peanuts!" the brown haired male shrieked as he saw Taehyung hobbling around with the boxes angled at a dangerous angle, threatening to topple. He then rushed over the help Taehyung.

"Ah bless the lord and thanks for your help," Taehyung said.

"No worries Taehyung."

"Ah- you are so- wait a minute how did you know my name?"

The brown haired male rolled his eyes before pointing to a Gucci covered lanyard that had the huge and bold words of "Kim Taehyung" imprinted on it.

"Oh my bad."

"It's fine. I'm Baekhyun by the way, my cubicle is next to yours."

Taehyung hummed before making his way to his cubicle and dropping his stuff onto his desk.

Taehyung and Baekhyun soon got to know each other better while they familiarise themselves with the workplace since it was only their first day working at Jeonelectrics.

As Taehyung and Baekhyun were deep in conversation on whether pigeons have feelings or not, a black haired male could be seen walking briskly towards them.

"Taehyung, Mr Jeon would like to see you in his office now," Namjoon stated, his eyebrows furrowing.

Taehyung gulped upon hearing Taehyung's words.

"Why- why does he want to see me?"

"Well I'm not too sure, but Mr Jeon looks really serious and he asked you to meet him quick."

Taehyung stood there momentarily before nodding his head, turning away to make his way to Jungkook's office.

"Good luck," Baekhyun muttered quietly before awkwardly shuffling away from Namjoon.

Taehyung's POV

I was confused as to why Mr Jeon wanted to meet me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I muttered to myself. I thought that it was because I was late for work today but then I recalled that I had actually arrived one minute before the reporting time which was counted as a major achievement to me considering I was always late my entire life.

I then looked at my attire before frowning. "Did I wear something wrong again?" I asked myself. I had followed the dress code that Namjoon sent to me via email which consists of a white button up dress shirt, a tie which was optional, long pants that reached up to the ankle and either brown or black working shoes.

Well he did not say anything about socks thus I had decided to wear my light blue socks that had unicorns and bananas imprinted on it.

To be honest I had no idea what kind of design that was since the designer looked like he was on crack but I had to buy them because the unicorns looked adorable, judging by how fluffy they looked.


I was jolted out of my thoughts as the elevator landed on the 12th floor. Mr Jeon's office.

I stepped out of the elevator while smothering any creases on my shirt and adjusting it before knocking on the door leading to Mr Jeon's office. Yes I had learnt my lesson from yesterday's interview.

"Um good afternoon Mr Jeon, Namjoon said you called me?" my voice coming out in a quiet tone.

"Mmm." A reply could be heard as Mr Jeon sat in his office chair.

And damn must I say he looked hot. His shirt was not buttoned at the top three buttons which slightly exposed his chest and prominent collar bones.

My breath hitched as I saw the sight before me, unaware of the smirk that Mr Jeon was giving me.

"Taehyung, sit down."

I nodded before sitting down on one of the chairs, liking the way he said my name.

"Shit is he perhaps going to fire me?" I thought. Honestly if he does that I would really go down on my knees and beg for mercy since I cannot lose this job as I was having difficulty trying to make ends meet.

"No I'm not going to fire you, Taehyung," Jungkook said, as if he could read my mind before staring at me. His gaze was alluring as I felt myself getting captivated by his darkened brown orbs.

"I ask you here as a proposal to be my personal assistant."

I snapped out of my trance as I heard Jungkook's words. "Wait, pardon?"

A low chuckle emitted from Jungkook's lips before he tilted his head to the side, eyeing me from up to down, his eyes darkening with every passing second.

"I propose to you to work as a- or should I say my personal assistant on top of all your other work."

"So, you are shortchanging me now?" I asked, puzzled.

"No of cause not. I treat my employees properly with respect," he said as matter of factly as possible. "Meaning, if you do agree to become my personal assistant, there will be an additional $2000 increase in your monthly pay."

My eyes widened upon hearing the $2000, which means if I accept the offer, I will have a monthly pay of $6000, which was definitely enough to make ends meet.

"So, pretty good deal huh?" he asked, a grin playing on his lips. "You just have to come to me whenever I call for you and help me with stuff such as getting me coffee or what not."

"Eh but what about Namjoon?"

"He's busy enough."

I hesitated before answering. I weighed my options, I mean there's nothing for me to lose, right?

"Alright Mr Jeon, I accept your offer."

"Great, you will start today. And when you are in my office you can drop the formalities, Jungkook will do," he said before sending me a wink.

My heart almost exploded out of my chest. Poor janitor.

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