23.| Mission Already

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Alex's eyelids slowly open before she starts examining the same room she had found herself in yesterday morning. The only thing that differed was that this time her head was resting on a warm and somewhat hard pillow and her hands were tightly gripping something large.

"Morning Mary Sue.", a very familiar male voice coos.

She looks to her left suddenly realizing it was Keith. Sitting up and looking over her shoulder she also realizes she had been sleeping on Keith's arm.   

"Thanks for that now can I get my other arm back?", he asks as he props himself sideways putting all of his weight on his right arm.

Alex follows his gaze to the thing she was gripping tightly, realizing it was Keith's lost arm he was looking for. She releases it and scrambles out of bed trying to think through how she had ended up in Keith's bedroom AGAIN!

"What am I doing in your room again?", she finally gives in and asks.

Keith gets out of bed, goes to his closet, and throws the doors open; revealing his walk in closet with clothes propped up on hangers before looking over at Alex.    

"You still don't remember?"

"N-no, not real-", she begins but gets cut off by a knock on the door.

"Come on in Jenny!", Keith hollers but continues going through his clothes.

Jennifer pokes her head in the room just after Alek walks into Keith's bathroom and examines herself in the mirror. She enters her brother's room with a smile as she pushes her glasses up her nose. 

"Well, first of all, do you know where Alex-", Keith nods to the bathroom behind Jennifer just as Alex waves.

Jennifer alternates her gaze from Alex to Keith in shock.

"So you guys are a thing n-", Jennifer begins before Keith and Alex both overlap each other, both attempting to explain their side of the story, "No need for an explanation. You two need not to worry. Your secret is safe with me."

They both walk to the entrance of the rooms they each were once occupied in, and attempt to re-explain what had happened. But Jennifer stops them again as she walks towards the door smiling to herself. Alex looks at Keith with a questioning gaze.

"Hold up, why am I actually here?", she asks suspiciously, causing Jennifer to spin around in curiosity.

Keith looks at both girls with an annoyed expression.

"I couldn't sleep, heard Alex wake up, found out she wanted a snack, when I can back she was asleep in my bed. The snacks gone now so end of story.", Keith quickly explains before getting back to choosing a pair of clothes.

Jennifer eyes Keith carefully before letting an annoyed sigh escape her lips.

"Yea, I get hungry in the middle of the nighttime too and randomly decide to sleep in a strangers bed, but that's honestly not the reason I came here.", Jennifer begins, but eyes Alex, suddenly remembering why she was sent to find her, "My father has your new mission all set up, so we all got to get packing."

"You guys are coming too?", Alex asks confused just as Jennifer begins heading out the door.

"Of course!", Jennifer squeals with a wide smile and rushes downstairs to her room.

Keith and Alex exchange confused glances before shaking their heads in unison and carrying on with what they were doing. Alex examined her scars under her eye when she began to question Keith's story of last night. She walks over to his closet and leans against the door frame as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I suddenly got hungry in the middle of the night?", Alex asks Keith in a challenging tone.

"Mmm, no. If you switched I with me then that'll make the story a bit more true.", Keith corrects with a smirk, looking at Alex from the corner of his eye.

"Just tell me what really happened.", Alex exasperates in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, okay Mary Sue, calm down I give in. So, pretty much you were yelling and shouting because of a nightmare you were having, I rushed over and woke you up. But then to my surprise, you wrapped your arms around my neck and wouldn't let go.", Keith begins while Alex glares at him with her eyes narrowing down.

"I would never do tha-", she begins but gets cut off by Keith.

"If you want proof, I'll just ask some guys to install some cameras in your room, because I was no happier than you are right now. You ruined my sleep and would've probably ruined everyone els-"

"Okay okay! Just continue.", Alex gives in annoyed as she rolls her eyes.

"Brought you in my room and after finally untangling you from my neck I placed you on my bed. Take a lucky guess who decided to keep yelling things out like they were about to be thrown in a burning furnace. I went over to you and instead was encountered with one of your traps. You wouldn't let go of my arm, so I just ended up sleeping in my bed with you gripping my arm like it was the end of the world.", Keith finally finishes as he walks past Alex barging into her shoulder purposely.

"Okay load up girls.", Keith says as he flings his duffle bag off his shoulder and into a black 2018 Mercedes Benz; which belonged to Jennifer's fiancé, Oscar Wilson.

Alex also throws her bag into the back trunk of the car just in time for Keith to shove some files in Alex's hands. She looks up at him with a questioning gaze.

"Did you take all three of your pills this morning?", he asks. 

"Of course stupid. Your mom's threat was so efficient I'd take them 24/7 just so I could save my damn life.", Alex snaps back pissed how everyone kept asking her if she had taken her pills or not.

"Jheeze calm down. No need to be an asshole about it.", he says raising his hands in surrender.

"Not my fault some people forget to think before asking", Alex mumbles to herself.

Jennifer and Oscar get out of the house with fingers intertwined while Jennifer babbles about her work and future plans. They reach the car just as Alex and Keith jump into the back seats of the car.

"Who's Theodore DeVito AKA Teddy?", Alex asks after she examined what was in the folder while also attempting to figure out who'd name their child "AKA".

Keith looks at her a bit shocked just as Jennifer and Oscar get into the car both laughing.

"If you would've read on about your mission you would've also been informed that he's the headmasters son.", Keith explains but then silently mumbles the rest to himself after Alex has stubbornly continued reading, "Is also known to have been your boyfriend."

The bulletproof glass door swings open just as Arthur, some agents, Alex, Keith, Jasper, and Felix file into the room; most of them all mission equipt stirring wanted attention. Arthur smiles as he clasps his hands causing everyone to jerk in surprise but also grabbing some of the employee's attention; who were once busily clicking away on their laptops.

"Agents, I all of your attention immediately. This is an urgent mission which we have all finally been able to assemble. In the meantime I have also been able to hire the best agent from our current archenemy. She will be working for us and will help us take down the Academy's operation. Now everyone quickly meet the Winter Fury; professional assassin from The Academy.", Arthur says just as everyone; including Jasper and Felix, look over at Alex who had just jabbed Keith in the ribs with her elbow.

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