16.| Memory Loss

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Alex looks up at Keith before giving him a death glare.

"Place me down right now!", she managed to mumble quietly.

Instead, Keith turned out to be the stubborn one. He casually walked acting as if this was a normal habit of his to kidnap random girls off the street and walk around with them in his arms. Keith's whole family stood where they were, making it seem as if they were permanently glued there.

All except Arthur, who planted a kiss on a woman's forehead who looked around her fifties. A few seconds later he whispered something in her ear, earning a strained smile as a pleased expression whipped across her face.

Alex was tempted to rest her head on his chest just to avoid all the glares she was getting from Keith's family but luckily withstood it. Everything from there went by so quickly. One second she was in Keith's arms as he crossed through the house and a second later found herself leaving Keith's body heat and colliding with a leather black couch. 

Alex's eyes widen as she lets a quiet groan almost a yell escape her lips. Keith places his right arm over the top edge of the couch, leans towards Alex's face and looks her right in the eyes. Alex's heart begins pounding in her chest as her eyes lock with his.

"Why are you acting like you don't know me?"

Alex couldn't stand the tension any longer, she pushes him away from her so that she could try standing upright so she could also have an advantage, just in case someone decided to pull an undesired move on her. He moves his face away from Alex but doesn't move his position which he decided himself was just fine.

Alex finally manages to pull herself upright when she notices that Keith's two younger brothers, followed by their older brother had finally filed into the living room and took their places on the couches scattered throughout the living room. The elderly lady who had once been kissed by Arthur was now standing at the kitchen entrance, watching Alex with a judgmental look.

She just stood there motionless, without saying a word she let her hazel green eyes do all the talking. Dressed in an expensive navy blue dress that hugged her body and stopped just above her knees with dyed chestnut hair wrapped in a perfect french bun she looked like an ordinary wealthy grouch.

Alex glares back at her hoping that she could overpower this uncomfortable pressure while under the grouches glare. Keith sits down besides Alex and looks at her with confusion playing in his eyes before following her gaze up to the old grouch spinning on her heels and storming off.


"Thea Armstrong. My mom.", he simply states, a bit tensed, as if that simple answer answered all the questions.

Arthur walks into the kitchen still in his jet black tuxedo with a plain red shot colored tie neatly placed in position before noticing Thea walking up to him; arms crossed and a frown playing on her face.

"Now what's wrong?", he says as he picks up a coffee cup that was already filled with black coffee and takes a sip.

"Who is she?", Thea instantly questions.

"She's Alexandria Warskafi.", Arthur replies with a grin after setting his cup back on the counter.

"Arthur! I don't have time for your games. What is she doing here?", Thea questions while adding more emphasize to here.

"Thea", Arthur says in a calm tone as he places his hands on either sides of her shoulders; calming her down before continuing with a reassuring smile, "Alexandria is here to help us."

Thea's hazel green eyes narrow as she glares into Arthur's grey eyes.

"And exactly how is she going to 'help us'?"

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