‘Can I help you?’ I looked up to find four different pairs of eyes staring down at me: Miss Turner the managing director, Laura the stage manager and 2 other executives.

‘I am so sorry, I was just cleaning the floor and I … I’ Come on Char, you can do this, this is your chance! 

‘You what sorry’ Miss Turner said, a lot kinder than before.

‘I…I… I think I can help’ I smiled humbly, 

‘How could you help dear?’

‘Well, I’d love to cover for Miss Laura, I don’t have a lot of experience in it but I know the show like the back of my hand and I know exactly what to do and…’ I blurted, mentally face-palming at how stupid I sounded. Great one Char, you’ve blown it.

‘There you go Laura, I told you we’d be fine. Young…’ she said hinting,


‘Young Char here will cover for you. Why don’t you go and help her get set up, then you can go on home to your family.’ What, I couldn’t believe this, was she serious? Am I being stitched up or something? This was one of the best moments of my life…. Wait Char don’t get ahead of yourself, pay attention.

‘And that should all be fine’ Miss Turner concluded. Damn I missed that.

‘Oh my god Char, you are a life saver, come on’ I followed Laura out of the office and through the building all the way to the door that led backstage.

‘Are you sure you’re okay with doing this char? I mean, it’s not something to be taken lightly.’ I suppose it was nice of her to ask but nothing could put me off this opportunity.

‘Trust me, I’ve been waiting for this moment for 2 years.’ I said dreamily.

‘You’ve worked here for 2 years? That’s weird I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.’

‘Yeah, I’m sort of a nobody, I’m supposed to be a stage hand- if you can even call me that, mainly stick to the box office and to sweeping the floors.’

‘Well I think you’re a bit too special to be kept behind glass, I’ll see what I can do to help you.’ She said with a wink.

‘Are you serious? This night just keeps getting better and better. That would mean so much.’ I said, rather calmly if I may say so, whereas inside I was screaming my head off with happiness.

‘I have a feeling we are going to be good friends Char. How old are you again?’ She said, smiling.

’19,’ I said eagerly. By this time we had arrived at the booth where the stage manager sits. It contained a lot of fancy looking buttons, all labelled with different places and control booths in the building- obviously radios. 

‘So, do you have any idea how all this works?’ 

‘Aha,’ I thought, Wikipedia certainly comes in handy when you’re interested in something. I spent hours every week researching and learning about the different aspects of theatre.

‘Ummm, actually I do…’ I went on to explain everything I knew. By the looks on Laura’s face she was impressed.

‘Careful love, you’ll have me out of a job soon enough.’ She nudged me jokingly with her elbow. ‘Looks like you don’t need me. I think I need to be off home, just don’t forget you need to go meet up with the performers before the show. You do realise who is performing tonight right?’

‘Yep, of course, I’m quite a fan.’ I confirmed.

‘And you also realise that this is one of the biggest gigs of this year for us? It’s the last gig of their first ever world tour and it’s gotta be good’

‘No pressure then, and yes don’t worry about me- I’m as cool as a cucumber’ I added what I hoped was a reassuring smile. Inside I was actually freaking out but I didn’t want to worry Laura as she had enough to be worried about, with her son in hospital and everything.

‘I’ll be off then, good luck Char.’ She picked her coat and her bag and gave me a quick hug before she slipped out of the door- closing it behind her.

‘Thanks, I’ll need it’ only an hour and a half to go before either my life is over, or gets a whole lot better.


As Laura reminded me, half an hour before the show was due to start, I made my way down to the dressing rooms, I had my headset already on in case anybody needed to contact me. I stopped outside the door which bore their name and paused. I can’t believe I was actually getting to meet them. Yes, I suppose you could call me a fan, I liked their music and had nothing against them at all- and who could deny that they are drool worthy to look at, I just couldn’t wait for the bragging rights I would own over Ciara- who was a major… I think you call them Directioners? She would be so jealous. I took a deep breath, fixed my hair in the shiny name plate, pulled my dress down a bit and knocked…

Chasing Char<3 (One Direction/Louis Tomlinson Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now