We walked inside, Harry removing his arm from my shoulder as he said hello to a few guests he knew. I headed up to the room and guiltily sighed out in relief. A whole weekend to myself, I haven't had one of those ever.

I ventured to the kitchen and my hand went straight to a bottle of wine I'd been saving. But a larger hand went over mine and tutted as I jumped.

"Harry you don't scare me like that!" I yelled. I turned and smacked him.

"I said hello!" He defended himself, rubbing over his chest as if in pain. I just sighed and let him take the wine and I grabbed two glasses. I wasn't expecting him to stay.

"Will I order food?" He suggested. I nodded, him already knowing what I order when we get a take out. If you didn't know us, you'd think we were a married couple. I laughed at the thought and brought the wine to the table in the living room area as Harry spoke on the phone to the pizza place. Wine and pizza, what a great Friday night.

"Ordered. Oh, by the way. We need to talk." He announced.

I plummeted down into the couch and pulled a fur throw over me as he sat beside me. "Mhm?" I asked, pouring my glass.

"I need you to work tomorrow night at the bar, David is out sick." He told me, unlocking his phone.

I groaned and threw my head back. "This was my weekend off." I reminded him.

"Mae, I don't think you can afford to take the weekend off." He snickered. I rolled my eyes and sipped on my drink while flicking through the channels.

We sat in a comfortable silence for about an hour, not even talking much when the pizza arrived. Harry sat on his phone texting away and my attention was on the television as I ate and drank my night away. I felt a little buzzed and pulled the blanket off of us. "I have an idea!"

I scurried into my bedroom and then came back out with a thick pink album, plopping it onto Harry's lap before sitting close beside him.

"You've never seen Ana as a baby." I smiled. "This isn't all the pictures but this album means the most to me, all the pictures have a story to them."

Harry looked down at the little book, which looked even smaller in his large hands and he hesitantly opened it up. I rested my arm on the back of the couch behind him and peeked at the pictures too.

"What's the story to this one?" He asked. He pointed to a small picture of a door and I thought back, all the flashbacks flooding in at once.

"That was my first check up, but also the room she was born in." I told him. He nodded, pointing to the next one.

"Is this her?" He asked.

It was an ultrasound, but it was special to me because her hand was pressed against my tummy from the inside and you could see each of her tiny perfect fingers. I nodded and smiled at the memory of seeing it for the first time.

"Were you on a vacation?" He suddenly asked, getting to the parts where Becca and Avery would take pictures of me as the bump grew. He pointed to one from when I was in Italy with the family, wearing a little yellow dress.

"Yeah, Italy. I think I was like, five months?" I told him. Harry only nodded and silently went through the rest of the photos, snapping pics of Ana as a baby on his own phone to keep as he gushed about how adorable she was. He even showed me baby photos of Noah and we compared the two, picking out their similarities.

"They get their good looks from me." Harry proudly stated. I scoffed and took the book from his lap, putting it on the coffee table. "Ana looks more like me than you, smart arse."

I accidentally shifted into his side and found it quite comfortable actually. He didn't mind, instead he put his arm around my shoulders and I began to feel a familiar pang of butterflies as his fingers grazed my bare arm. Oh god no.

I cleared my throat and he did too, we both looked at each other in surprise. "I-" we both began to say. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink and I fought a devilish smile.

His eyes were wide and dark, nothing like his usual bright sparkling eyes that screamed happiness. My own eyes examined his face carefully, taking in all of his beauty- which nobody could deny, he was a beautiful man. His plump lips looked so inviting as he licked over them and I wasn't sure if I was seeing things but his body began moving forward and I felt my heart race. Was he trying to kiss me?

I didn't even have time to think about whether I wanted it or not as I felt his lips press against my own.

It was like a scene from a movie, everything felt wrong but good and I was in half a mind to push him off of me in disgust but his fingers ran through my hair just like they did when we were eighteen and I couldn't pull away.

He did.

His lips now wet and plumper as he looked at me dazed and confused. "I-I'm Sorry." He quickly gushed.

I went to say no, it was fine, but he stood up and looked around frantically while I watched in a bit of a shock.

"Harry where are you going?" I asked him, walking after him quickly.

He turned on his heel and put his hands on my shoulders, searching my eyes frantically.

"I didn't mean it. It was a mistake, I can't do that to you again." He rushed out.

I was actually worried now, he looked like a crazy person.

"Harry we've been drinking and had a little moment- it's not a big deal, what's the problem?" I quizzed.

He gulped and so did I. Whatever he was about to tell me couldn't be good. He parted his lips to talk but nothing came out until eventually he blabbed.

"I'm seeing someone!" He exclaimed.

And he was out the door.

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