5~ Sexual Contact!

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Tom's POV

Is it bad that I think I might have a LITTLE crush?

I mean! Look at him! How can you not!? It might just be me, but he's the cutest thing I've ever seen. Or maybe it's just his ears and tail that make him look so adorable.

Then I started to imagine what he would look like without them. I closed one eye and used my hands to cover Tord's ears and tail. He still looked like the cutest little thing.

"What are you doing?" Tord asked curiously

"Just seeing what you'd look like without your ears and tail" I smiled

"Ooo! What do I look like then!?" Tord exclaimed as he slid over to me

"Hm..." I thought for a minute, I didn't want to say anything I could regret "you look the same, just imagine yourself without ears and a tail" I said

"Hm, ok!"

Tord pushes his ears down on his head so it looked like he didn't have any and stuffed his tail and the back of his shorts. It made me laugh a bit, because it just looked like he had sad puppy ears and a big butt. But I kept my laughs in.

"This doesn't make a difference does it?" Tord giggled

"No, it doesn't" I let my laughs go

He un-tucked his tail from his shorts and let his ears ping back up. He did a little cat-smile, and I could feel my face go a bit hot. I simply shuck my head and got rid of it.

"Oh yeah!" I said as I turned around and walked to the sofa

I picked up a blue collar from the shopping bag I had left there. I walked back to Tord and he looked confused. I wrapped the collar around his neck and tightened it so it fit. Then I stepped back to see what he looked like. I smiled at my work.

"What? What's this?" Tord asked

"A collar, so that people know you have a home" I smiled

"But... I'm a human now..." he said confused

"Well, not completely" I snickered

"Oh yeah"

We started laughing. As it calmed down we looked at each other with our grinning faces. Which made us chuckle a bit more. Tord wiped his tears away and I just sighed.

I walked backwards until I let the sofa trip me up. I landed on my back and put my hands behind my head, letting it fall on them. I let out another sigh of relief as I closed my eyes.

Tord's POV

Tom let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes. Then I had an idea. I cat-smirked at my idea. I snickered a bit, trying not to laugh.

I snuck behind the sofa, just above where Tom was relaxing. Then I pounced.

"HELLO!" I shouted as I pounced on him

"Gah!" He shouted as he fell off

He ended up on the floor and I landed on top of him. He made an "OFF" sound as I did. He slowly fluttered open his eyes and noticed me on top of him. His face was that strange strawberry color again.

"Oh no, I did it again" I said sadly

I touched his cheek with my hand, and I felt how hot he was. I started panicking. This is what happened the last time he was around me.

"Gah! Are you allergic to me or something!? I'm sorry!" I panicked

"N-no, no I'm not don't worry" he chuckled a bit

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