2~ A Werewolf!?

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Tom's POV

I opened my eyes and groaned. I turned around, trying to get comfortable again. Then I booped noses with something. Or more like someone. I slowly opened my eyes, growling. Then my eyes widened.

"Who are you!?" I shouted

"Mum... it's not training today..." the person grunted

"Get out of my bed! Actually! Get out of my house!" I shouted as I fell off the bed

The person tried to move into the missing spot where I was laying, but he ended up falling on top of me. I made an "OOF" sound as he did so.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Tom!" He shouted, panicked

"What? How do you know my name? Who are you?" I asked, my voice was a bit raspy from him falling on me

"It's me, Tord" he smiled

"I don't know any Tord's" I groaned

"Hm... oh! Does this remind you of anything!?" He said as he stud up

I examined him. He had ears and a tail. Preferably wolf ears and tail. It was the same color as the wolf my mum brought home last night. Then realization hit me like a brick.

"You're that same wolf from last night!?" I shouted questionably

"Mhm!" He hummed happily

I sat up a bit to straighten my posture, only earning myself a very painful crack in my back. I'm pretty sure I popped something. I cringed at the sound.

"So, your name is..." I left it so he could finish my sentence, but he looked like he didn't really get it

"Yes, my name is..." he repeated

"Ugh, you have to remind me" I sighed out of frustration

"Oh! Sorry, my name is Tord" he smiled

"Ok, Tord, can you give me a boost?" I asked

"Oh! Sure!" He exclaimed

He held out his hand. I was hesitant at first, but soon tuck it anyway. I examined him a bit more since he looked a bit different now. Ok, that's a lie, he definitely looks a lot different now.
'Wow, no shit Tom' I cursed at myself

He had the same colored hair as his fur once was, the same with his ears and tail. He had the same unique silver eyes, but they looked like they had more sparkle and wonder in them this time. His skin tone was a lovely tan color. His outfit was just some scruffs. What I mean by scruffs is, he had baggy lounge pants, a red t-shirt and he had no shoes or socks.

His clothes looked like a mess, and honestly he didn't show any signs of comfort from them either. But apart from that, his natural features were quite good.

I know I'm sounding wrong while saying this, but he looks cute. Maybe if I could get him some better clothes he'd be happier and more comfy, his presentation would also be better. I know I said before that he looked quite good, but that's my way of not trying to sound gay about it. But in the end I just fucked it and said it anyway, cuz it doesn't mean I'm actually gay.


Am I?...

I've never thought about it...

And I've never thought a guy to be cute or hot before...

But this thing is adorable...

Well, does it count if he's not a human? Because I could just be calling him cute because if his ears and tail

What if he didn't have his ears and tail? How would I think of him then?


I don't kn-

"Tom!" Tord shouted and clicked his fingers in front of my face

"Gah! What!?" I hissed

"You wouldn't stop staring, why?" He asked

"I just think you need knew clothes"

"Well, I don't like these at all, so that would be nice" he smiled

God that smile. It's the exact same smile as my mums. That smile means 'please can we get some now?'. Ugh. This is going to be a long day.

"Well, we can go now, since it's Sunday I don't have any plans or need to go to... hell" I think I chose the right word

"Hell!? You go to hell!?" Tord screamed with voice cracks

I think I chose the wrong word.

"No! It's just-! Ugh... never mind... let's just get ready and get going" I sighed

"Well I can't come" Tord contemplated

"Why not?" I groaned

This is complete agony. I swear. He's gonna cause a lot more trouble. I can just feel it. I don't even need to be able to look into the future.

"Because no one can see me with these ears and tail, plus the fact I look like..." he tried looking for a word

"Shit?" I asked

"Yes! That word that I'm assuming means something bad!" He cat-smiled

"Fine..." I grunted

I walked to my wardrobe and pulled out some clothes. I was about to get undressed when I remembered Tord was still here.

"Get out then!" I shouted, my voice high-pitched

"Oh! Sorry" he apologized before backing up into the hallway

There was no need to worry about my mum seeing him since she has already gone to work. How do I know? She normally goes to work when the sun is just rising. Yep. Works early day and late night. I don't get a lot of time with my mum because of it. But we'd be living dirty-poor on the streets if she didn't work as hard as she did.

I sighed to myself and got ready. By looking at Tord's complexion, I already have an idea of what I want to get for him. My only TINY problem was that he was just the slightest bit more feminine then a normal boy.

NOT THAT I WAS STARING OR ANYTHING! It's just not that hard to notice. Especially when he puts his hands on his hips...

You know when I was questioning my gayness earlier...


Im definitely gay now...

And so with that I left my room. Walking down the stairs. Walking through the living room and out the front door. Going on my way to get my new 'companion' some new clothes so he doesn't look like a scruffy shit.

Word count: 104

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