3~ Claustrophobic

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Tord's POV

I was bored. Tom had been out for longer then expected. So since I had nothing to do, and I was hungry, I decided to explore the house. Mostly because I wanted to find the fridge.

I ran around the house like someone was chasing me, but not on purpose. I have to get used to remembering that no ones hunting me as long as I'm safe with these humans. Which means I don't need to run around like I normally do to get away from any hunters that might spot me.

After a while of trying to master my pace of speed, I found myself in the kitchen. There was a big metal box, assuming it's a fridge from the description that Tom gave me.

Yes. Tom told me where everything was and what it looked like in case I was hungry or something like that. I just forget a lot of things easily.

I opened the metal box- I mean! Fridge. There was loads of stuff to eat. But more non-meat things than meat. It puzzled me a little, making me tilt my head, but I soon shook it off. I sniffed around, trying to find something that contained meat. Until I found a memorable scent.

It wasn't the scent of meat, but still familiar. I followed the scent and reached my hand out to it, ready to grab it when I reached it. I grabbed it and pulled it out. I stared in glory and victory as I gazed at it.

Ice pop!

I didn't know how to open it, so I was about to use my claws, when I saw I didn't have any anymore. I huffed in disbelief.

"How can this be!?" I shouted to myself

That's when I heard the door open and soon slam shut. I looked around and saw the only person who could obviously come home at this time. Tom.

"Uh, what are you cursing at?" Tom asked curiously

"Um... this" I answered as I held up the ice pop

Tom chuckled a bit. I just started pouting. I didn't think this situation was funny at all. I AM HUNGRY FOR BARKS SAKE! Ok, I'll mind my language. But I am hungry.

Tom's POV

Tord stuck his bottom lip and and crossed his arms. He made a little "hmph" noise as he looked away from me. I stopped chuckling and tried keeping myself from laughing at his childish actions at the simple situation that could easily be fixed.

"Ok, fine, but I thought I told you where everything was" I raised an eyebrow

He went out of his pouting to look at me. He was sweating. I know he forgot. He tried to cover up his worry and try and make me forgive him by pulling a smile. That was coincidentally a cat-smile.

I sighed. Even if he was in a... human and wolf? He still needs training. Or teaching for that matter. And I already know he's gonna be hard work.

"Ok, follow me now, you can eat after you try these on" I sighed

"Aw, Fine" he pouted

"Don't pout" I said

"Fine" he mumbled

I just rolled my eyes at him. Not in a rude way, but not in a playful way either. As I walked away, he followed me. Great, one thing I don't already have to teach him.

"In there" I stopped and pointed to the bathroom

"Ok..." he answered cautiously

"It's gonna be fine, I'm not a pervert, I won't look in" I reassured him

"What's a pervert? And I'm not worried because of that"

"Never mind. But what are you worried of then?" I asked

"I... I don't like being left alone in small spaces..." he sighed

"Oh... so you're claustrophobic?"

"Um... well I'm guessing I'm supposed to say yes"

"Well that's what it is, it's called being claustrophobic, but anyway, it's ok, I'll be right out here"

"O-ok..." he gulped

He tuck the clothes off me and ran into the bathroom. He slammed the door closed. I waited patiently, not wanting to rush him.

Tord's POV

This thing called being... 'claustrophobic', I don't like it. It makes me scared and it makes my heart beat fast.

I tuck a while, but I eventually got the clothes on. I turned around and saw a reflection of me behind me. I jumped back a bit, being a little scared by seeing me. But this also made me feel a bit better about being in the place I was.

I looked good. And I felt comfortable. I smiled at the way I looked. I turned around, forgetting where I was, and instantly started panicking again. Slowly but surely, the walls looked like they were closing in on me. Coming to crush me.

I felt alone and scared. I hated this feeling. I held my chest tight. I tried to move forward, but I couldn't. The walls were coming too close. I tried to stay away from them as much as I could, but they just kept coming closer.

That's when I started crying. I fell to the floor. I tucked my head into my knees as I cried. I didn't know if this was real or fake anymore. I couldn't tell whether I was still imagining the walls were closing in or if it was real. But at this point I didn't care.

I cried. That was all I could think to do. I couldn't move. It started to feel like I couldn't breathe because I was gasping so much for air as I cried.

Then I heard the door open...

Word count: 943

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