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About 2 months later, Rhea declared she was over the Baizen boy. Her and Blair walked through the park. "You want to sleep with Nate." Rhea laughed. "Your far too young B."

"No I'm not." Blair declares, Serena has done it an-"

"Blair." Rhea cut the girl off, "Serena is different, she drinks and does drugs that's bad and if it were up to me you wouldn't be friends with her all together."

Blair raised a brow, "Oh really? Dosen't Carter? I mean I have seen him doing both of those things that Serena does but it isn-"

"Can we change the subject?" Rhea quizzed.

Blair groaned before pushing Rhea over- into a handsome man. Rhea fell on the floor only to be caught by him, it looked very cliche and Blair ran off. "Whoa are you okay?" The stranger asked with a friendly smile helping her up.

"Sorry, I must have lost my balance." Rhea explained returning the smile.

"Have we met?" He asked, "You Look very familiar." The man explained.

She only shook her head at him. "I'm Rhea Waldorf."

He smiled extending a hand, "Enzo Wild." She shook his hand sending him a smile. Ofcourse in that moment gossip girl sent out a blast, Rhea prayed it wasn't about her.

'Stranger danger Rhee, I would stay away from him, Enzo has a bad reputation. Xoxo.'

Only Rhea didn't check her phone thinking it would be rude. The girl only smiled at him. "Sorry if this is forward but do you wanna get a coffee?"

She smiled at them man tucking a strand of her raven hair behind her ear. "Sure." She looked him up and down before leading the way. The man was hot, he had grey eyes, tanned skin and brown hair. He looked like a younger version of Ryan Reynolds.

The man smirked before offering the girl his arm, she linked there arms and began walking with the man. The pair made small talk, him telling her of him moving back to New York for his family. "So how old are you?" The girl asked.

"20." He replied, the raven haired girl nodded as they entered the store. "Take I seat I will get the drinks."

She nodded her head sitting down and pulling out a mirror examining her makeup. The girl re applied her lipstick and sat acting asif she wasn't doing anything when Enzo came back with two coffees. The girl took her drink and drank it. "So what do you do Enzo Wild?" She quizzed with a small grin.

He smiled at her as she sipped on her coffee. "I'm a businessman."

"At 20?" Rhea asked with a small laugh.

He shrugged, "My brothers got me the job so I just buy and sell really." He then took a sip of his coffee. "I only said businessman to try and impress someone."

She smiled at him but rolled her eyes at his attempt of flirting. "And who's that someone?" She asked.

He smiled at her before licking his lips and looking to the elderly waitress. "She's pretty hot." He nodded his head in the saggy woman's direction.

This caused Rhea to laugh at him. "Yeah." She grinned looking to the woman. Rhea finished her coffee, as Enzo spilled his on her by accident.

"Oh god I'm sorry." He said picking up wipes and passing them the girl, who began panicking down her white shirt. "Here." Enzo spoke pulling of his jacket and handing it her. Rhea wanted to protest but she couldn't as her white top was now see through.

"Thanks." She thanked standing up preparing to leave.

"Hey I live round the corner if you want to get a change of clothes and you can take my limo home." He quizzed. "Come on I promise I'm not a serial killer."

She smiled at him before nodding her head and following him out. It took them about 20 minutes to get to his apartment. "I thought you said you lived near by." Rhea stated with a yawn.

He grinned at her shrugging. "I'll go get you clothes." He spoke leaving her in the room to sit down on the couch. Slowly Rhea began to feel drowsy and eventually pass out.

When the girl woke up the next day she was in a different room, he clothes changed. The girl felt extremely uncountable, someone changed them and she had a feeling it was Enzo. The girl got up leaving the room, the man was no where to be seen with a sigh she grabbed her phone and keys that were weirdly laid out on the side and left to go home.

When she arrived at her house, Carter was pacing in her living room. "Rhee." He sighed clearly released walking over tangling the girl in his arms. "Where were you?"

"I fell asleep." She answered stepping back out of his hands. Carter shook his head gripping the back of his head.

"Have you checked gossip girl?" Carter quizzed.

Rhea shook her head holding up her phone, "Battery died." She explained.

Carter passed the raven haired girl his phone. She read the blast from yesterday and one this morning.

'Rhea Rhea Rhea, we warned you. I heard he's starting the bidding at £2000.'

Attached was a photo of Rhea passed out naked, there was 'censored' markes over her private areas. Tears brimmed her eyes. "I passed out he wh-" She was going to break down.

Carter pulled the crying girl into a hug only to be pushed away as she ran upstairs. Carter sighed, clenching his jaw. He was annoyed, very annoyed carter grabbed his coat storming out the house on the hunt for Enzo Wild.

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