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Rhea had gotten out the shower, a sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the love bites trailed along her thighs

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Rhea had gotten out the shower, a sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the love bites trailed along her thighs. She didn't miss Carter, but she did. It was this weird feeling she couldn't explain. She thought she just missed the sex. They hadn't spoken in over a week, she did mend her relationship with Lois and threw yogurt at Serena in school a classic move, the Waldorfs did.

Rhea did not like Serena anymore, she didn't know exactly why well she did but it wasn't a good enough reason. "Rhea, Miss Caroline is here!" She put on her robe and walked out he bathroom.

Rhea walked down the stairs greeting Caroline giving her a hug. "Hey long time no see!" Caroline spoke with a laugh.

"How are you I haven't seen you much since you started dating Daniel." Rhea said with a smile.

"Or since you started getting it on with my brother?" Rheas face dropped and Caroline let out a laugh. "What happened between you two anyway?" She asked as they sat down on the couch.

"Nothing we slept together a few times." Rhea replied.

Caroline did not believe that. "I mean gossip girl sent out a few blasts about you two, what about when you kissed infront of everyone at cotillion or didn't you go on a date to Brooklyn and then when he brought Serena to that party no more... Rheter!"

"Firstly never say Rheter again, and I realised that we shouldn't keep sleeping together, there wasn't any feelings there and sex is what couples do." Rhea informed Caroline.

"Is there feelings there now?" Caroline asked, Rhea looked bewildered for a second.

"Of course not." Rhea spoke, Caroline did not believe her but decided not to press the matter.

Caroline smiled, "Maybe he has feelings for you, less girls have been coming to the apartment."

"Because most girls are scared that I will make the whole school bully them. Or my minions will throw yogurt on them, ruin there dresses...."

Caroline nodded but she didn't believe that was the case. "Well I'm pretty sure they have been leaving and they... didn't get what they wanted." Caroline stated awkwardly discussing her brothers sex life.

Rhea rolled her eyes not believing it, "Anyway, was there a reason you came or did you just miss me?" Rhea asked, Caroline smiled slightly.

"Carter." Caroline replied, Rhea glared at the girl. "Our grandparents are hosting this ball and everyone saw the kiss you two shared at cotillion and no respectable girls will go anywhere near him because of you, the Waldorfs are known for being bitchy."

"My mothers not bitchy."

"You didn't know her in her prime." Harold commented walking past the room. Making the girls laugh slightly.

"Look Carter is too proud to ask you to come he feels rejected, just call him."

"Carter isn't the only one who is to proud, I'm not calling him I told him we needed to stop this and I cant run back to him!" Rhea spoke asif it was a given. "If he asks nicely I will."

Caroline shook her head, "Fine, he will ask you."

'The upper east sides very own Carter Baizen spotted buying roses, we wonder who there for?'

"Maybe hes on his way here." Caroline spoke reading gossip girls blast.

"Unlikely." Rhea replied as Caroline stood up.

Caroline smiled at the girl, "Ill see you later." She then took the lift down. When Caroline was gone she pulled her phone out inspecting the image, of course she would have done that. The girl tried to make out where he was. It didn't look nearby it was a few streets away and Carter loved to walk.

Incase they were for her and she was coming here she ran upstairs putting on clothes, a dress. It was rare to catch Rhea Waldorf in anything else, well besides her uniform. She sat on her bed hoping he would come, she would kill serena if the flowers were for her. she recived a text. The girl opened it instantly but it was from Nick Thorpe.

'Hey its Nick, i was wondering if you wanted to get a bite to eat?'

The girl looked down at her phone, debeating weather to say yes or no. She had found out Nicks parents were lawyers, therefor he was not Brooklyn Trash as Carter said. The girl thought of reasons to say no and the only one she could think of is that she didnt know him, with a sigh she texted him back 'Sure, when?'

They texted deciding where to meet and Rhea left, Carter didnt show up she assumed the roses were for someone else. She met Nick greeting him with a hug. "So where are we going to eat?" She asked with a hint of a smile.

The girl didnt see Carter on the other side of the road, he had Roses and he bought sunflowers from another shop that's what took the man so long, he was making a sunflower and rose combo. He knew Rhea had always said that was the best. He saw her smile and laugh as she walked down the street with Nick Thorpe, the boy then binned the roses walking away.

'Spotted, Rhea and Nick on a date? We all know whos left out in the cold, thoughts are with you Carter and that Rose/Sunflower combo you threw in the bin. you know you love me, xoxo gossipgirl.'

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