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'With Lois back I wonder what's going to happen between our two favrouite elites, we will find out why your back Lo, not to mention why you left

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'With Lois back I wonder what's going to happen between our two favrouite elites, we will find out why your back Lo, not to mention why you left. Xoxo Gossip girl.'

Rhea ignored the blast.
"Miss Rhea, Mr Carter is here." Derotta shouted.

Rhea stood up leaving her makeup table to be greeted by Blair outside her room. "Why is he here? You told me you only went with him because Lois was annoying you. Do you like him?"

"No Blair." Rhea denied, "Send him up!" Rhea then walked back into her room, glaring at Blair- she retreated into her own.

Carter walked in moments later, "Rhea."

"Why are you here Baizen." She questioned looking in the mirror at herself.

"Why not." He replied coming closer to the girl biting his lip, she was wearing the same black silk robe she wore days before.

He placed his hands on her waist backing her up against the draws, she smiled slightly rolling her eyes. He tugged at the belt part undoing it. She was wearing black Lacey underwear. They were very close, in moments they had locked there lips. "Miss Rhea, Miss Lois is here!"

They pulled apart, "I'm busy!" Rhea shouted. In seconds Lois walked in. Rhea pulled her robe back on. "I'm busy."

"So what you don't have time for me?" Lois asked as Carter smirked at the girl.

"Should have called ahead." Rhea spoke casually walking forward.

"Maybe I should leave." Carter said walking to the door, he was pushed back to his spot by Rhea, she grabbed his hands and placed them on her lower back.

"Maybe I should." Lois replied glaring at him and then with an upset look towards Rhea.

"Maybe." Rhea added looking towards her 'best friend' she scoffed leaving the room.

"Why are you even mad at her?" Carter questioned taking a seat on the girls bed.

"She ruined my Cotillion."

"She didn't ruin it."

"Yes she did! And she left me I mean she said bye but she didn't keep in contact with me and I tried she dropped me for her stupid English friends and then comes back and expects it to be how she left things." Rhea rushed out sitting next to him on the bed. "It was like my best friend forgot about me." He had never seen Rhea this open about anything she was on the verge of tears, he put an arm round her pulling her to his chest. He knew she didn't have anyone else she trusted and that she was begging to warm to him.

"I'm not very good at comforting people but I know when I'm my sisters upset she gets ice cream." He said the girl let out a smile pulling away from him.

"You want to take me for ice cream?"

They walked down the streets of Brooklyn, "Why didn't we just take my car!" Rhea wined. "We have been walking for ages my feet hurt!"

"We have walked the same distance come on." He said as she was falling behind.

"Your not in heels! And why are we going to an ice cream parlour in Brooklyn? Brooklyn were probably gonna catch a disease or something." She said eyeing the homeless man across he street. "It's disgusting."

He rolled his eyes, "It tastes better over here and it's cheaper."

"Carter we could by the ice cream place." She answered he rolled his eyes again.

"It's nicer and there is hardly any on the upper east side." Carter responded turning the corner.

He girl mumbled something but Carter couldn't make out what she said. He walked in the ice cream place happily smiling back at the girl, she went to sit down inspecting the chair. "They don't bite." A man joked with a smile, he thought she was scared of the chair.

"I know but the germs are discussing." She said pulling out tissue and wiping the chair. "Do you have any bleach?" She shouted to the man on the counter.

"Sorry she is a germaphobe." Carter cleared up, he was lying but she looked like a snob; she was.

"Maybe we shouldn't sit here?" She asked, the table was dirty and had a yogurt patch that someone had left. "What is their even to do for fun in Brooklyn?" She asked Carter.

Carter looked at the man who made the joke before, Rhea followed his gaze. "There is an art gallery." The man offered, he selling his own business, he could tell they were portentous.

"What artist does it pre-"

"Boring." Carter cut her off.

"Do I know you?" Rhea said looking at the boy who was attempting to avoid her gaze.

"I- I go your school, Dan Humphrey." He answered.

"Carter Baizen." Carter greeted with a smile and reaching to shake his hand. Rhea looked disgusted.

"I'm Rhea. Now about this gallery my wall does look abit boring is there anything that will go with a grey and white themed room?" Rhea inquired, she could potentially get a style art no one had on the upper east side.

Carter decided to go and get the pair ice cream from the front. "Well they are my wife's paintings may-"

"Is she any good?" Rhea cut him off.

"Well I think so." The man answered.

"I will send someone to see your gallery, he won't be to happy if I ditch him for it." She said to the man who smiled, as she motioned to Carter.

"It's fine we don't want to interrupt your date." The man replied the girl gave him a weird look looking back to Carter.

"Date?" She said, "this is not a date."

"Are you sure?" The older man asked with a slight laugh.

"I think it's a date." The girl facing Dan spoke. "I'm Vanessa." She said with a smile. Rhea gave her a small smile back although it was fake. Carter came over with the ice cream giving it her.

"This better not be full of calories Carter you brought me all th-"

"It's ice cream it's going to have calories." He responded walking to the exit. "Bye." Carter spoke to Dan and Vanessa and assuming Dans dad.

'Spotted, Rhea and Carter on a date? You thought you could avoid me in Brooklyn? I have eyes everywhere. Xoxo -gossipgirl'

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