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Rhea was in bed with Carter she woke up and he was cuddling the girl

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Rhea was in bed with Carter she woke up and he was cuddling the girl. She tried to get out of bed but his grip tightened she let out a laugh and turned facing him. "You know we have to get out of bed, your family is downstairs."

He shook his head smiling at her, "We don't really do anything until later." He said leaning over the girl. "I wonder how we will pass time." He said trailing a finger down her body. She was wearing underwear, they didn't have sex last night they were going to but Carters cousins ran in the room jumping on the pair ruining the mood.

The girl smiled letting out a laugh, "we need to get ready I need a bath and I've probably got morning breath." The girl replied attempting to get out of bed. He pulled her back down kissing the girl, she ran a hand through his hair.

He pulled away minutes later and smiled, "You were right you do have morning breath." She hit him in the chest and he smiled kissing the girl again.

They walked into the dining area together, "And here is the happy couple finally Carter has settled down!" One of his cusions shouted.

"What took you so long? Breakfast started an hour ago!" The grandmother asked, Rhea went red and Carter shrugged. Everyone realised what took them so long due to Rheas expression.

The pair sat down and began eating. The Drew family had a big breakfast, she looked down to her plate. It was bacon, eggs, black pudding, waffles, toast, beans, sausages... Carter laughed at the girls expression alerting everyone. "Who put Rheas food out for her?" Denise asked.

"The servers put everyone's out." Christopher replied.

"She is tiny look at her, she won't be able to eat all that." The woman said looking abit annoyed, it was true everyone was twice the size of her except Emily but she was 7.

"I can eat it-maybe- some of it." Rhea said with a small smile, Carter laughed at her.

"Rhea you wouldn't touch that, look at all the grease coming off the bacon." Carter said with a small laugh. The girl glared at him picking he bacon up and eating it. She gave Carter a satisfied smile, he rolled his eyes.

"We could get you some strawberries? Instead." One of Carters cousins spoke.

"Rhea you don't have to eat it, we both know you find that disgusting, I find it disgusting." Caroline spoke up, the family rolled there eyes at her.

Carter decided to challenge the girl knowing she would eat it just to prove him wrong. "Told you she wouldn't eat it, I think it's quite insulting how you won't. Rude." Carter said, the girl glared at him picking up her fork and eating a sausage.

"Carter why?" Caroline asked glaring at her brother. He shrugged in response. The family shook there head at him.

"This is really nice, but I think I'm gonna go use the restroom." Rhea said, after eating the sausages.

"Do you feel sick after all that fat?" Caroline asked, the girl shook her head. Rhea had only managed to eat a piece of bacon, the sausages and a bit of Black pudding.

When the girl returned her plate was empty and so was everyone elses but they all finished there food. "Where's my breakfast?" She asked slightly relived, she couldn't finish it.

"Sorry dear we thought you were done I can ask for it back?" Denise offered.

"Oh no it's fine." Rhea said smiling at the woman. She drank her glass of water as the table began conversing with each other.

"So Rhea, your mother is the Elanor Waldorf?" His cousin asked, her name was Scarlett.

"Yeah, that's her." Rhea answered with a smile.

"Does she do personal designs?" Scarlett asked sipping on her juice.

"Yeah I think, I'm not sure though she usually does them when she has free time and she hasn't got a lot of that recently." Rhea replied. Receiving a 'oh.'

"So Carter, how long have you and Rhea been together?" A man asked, Rhea didn't remember meeting him.

"Not long." Carter replied glaring at him. Rhea could sense tension by the way they spoke to each other.

"What are we doing today?" She asked Carter with a smile, he became less agitated you could tell by the way he composed himself.

"Some of us are going horse riding." His grandmother spoke.

Scarlett then said, "Me, Jace, Ryan and Caroline were planning on going swimming if that's okay." She said to her grandmother who nodded. "Why don't you and Carter come with us? we meant to ask last night but I didn't get around to it." She added with a smile.

"Oh I didn't bring my swimming costume." Rhea answered.

"Go without it." Carter said, Rhea was shocked and glared at him.


"I meant you don't need it not skinny dipping , you have a filthy mind Rhea Waldorf." He said pointing at her, she then went red and his family laughed.

"I cant go in my clothes." She said. The grandparents and anyone above 25 began leaving the table including Emily.

"Your underwear will do." Scarlett said, that was a crime in Rheas mind.

She instantly shook her head, "I cant get them w-"

"Think of it like its just your clothes getting washed." Carter cut her off. It wasn't just because she didn't want to get them wet, I mean that was not good but all the underwear she brought was lacy. She was only meant to be staying for 2 days but the Waldorf packed for eight, and she brought 10 pairs of lace underwear. She gave Caroline a look, saying I cant. Caroline put two and two together and burst out laughing.

Everyone was confused, Rhea sighed. "Why are you laughing?" Carter asked. Rhea went red, she did not need his family finding out she packed only sexy underwear for Carter Baizen.

Caroline didn't stop, Rhea then looked to Scarlet and realisation filled her eyes. She laughed too, the boys were oblivious. "I don't get the joke." Jace said.

"Come one." Caroline smiled as her laughing began to die down, she stood up followed by Rhea and Scarlette.

"Are you really not going to tell us?" Ryan questioned, as the girls walked off ignoring him.

Caroline smiled as they got away for the room, "I cant believe you Rhea! You only packed sexy underwear?" She said laughing again.

"Look Caroline Scarlett you guys wont get it because he is your family but- he is well he's the best fuck ive had in my life he knows what he is doing and he's done somethings I'm tel-"

"He's my brother please I don't want details." Caroline replied.

Scarlett laughed, "I cant believe this."

"Look when I see him I just want to rip his top off and he has this thing whe-"

"Cousin." Scarlett spoke. "There is a shop not that far, they sell bikinis."

"Well even if I got a bikini well they may or may not be love bites on my inner thighs, outer thighs, belly, boobs and I've covered some on my neck I cant cover them all if I'm practically naked and in water." Rhea informed the girl making them cringe.

"No one will mention it especially because its there first time meeting you and because no one wants to know about Carters sex life well I think the boys do." Scarlett said as they walked to the car.

"I hope."

Aeipathy» C. Baizen [1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ