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'Its everyone's favourite time of the year: Back to school

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'Its everyone's favourite time of the year: Back to school. Sources have confirmed, Carter and Rhea was a one time thing but I cant help but think they will go back for more. Scandal lies and secrets await in the new year, I for one can not wait. You know you love me, Xoxo- Gossip girl'

Ofcourse gossip girl would mention her, the situation with Carter had happened a week ago and they haven't spoke since. She walked into Constance wearing her signature headband ready to start the year. "Rhea!" Chrystal spoke rushing over to Rhea, minion number 1.

"Hey." Rhea said smiling at her friend.

"So where the rumors about you and Carter true?" The girl exclaimed, Rhea rolled her eyes.

"There just rumors." The girl lied easily, "Who's the new guy?" Rhea quizzed looking at a guy behind Crystal, he looked lost.

"I don't know." Crystal replied looking at her friend then back to the boy. The two girls were staring.

"Scoping out the fresh meat are we?" Carter questioned coming up behind Rhea whispering in her ear.

"Well he is cute." Rhea replied, as Carter stood next to her. "Crystal, go find out everything." Crystal nodded going towards the new boy.

"Looks like Brooklyn trash to me." Carter commented glaring at the boy who the girls were obsessing over.

"Are you jealous Carter? You want me all to yourself, I mean I get it I am Rhea Waldorf but its never happening again." Rhea said in a teasing tone, Carter rolled his eyes.

He then smiled at her, "Rhea not everyone wants a: controlling, psychotic, bitchy, annoying girl even if she is attractive."

"Don't make me blush Carter." She replied in a dead tone, then Crystal returned with the mystery man.

"Hey man I'm Carter." Carter said shaking his hand and giving him a smile.

"Rhea Waldorf." The girl then shook his hand giving him a beaming smile.

"Carful with her, she likes to christen the new kid and I don't think you want to catch something I mean she I-" Carter begun with a smile motioning to Rhea who was gobsmacked.

"Weren't you literally in bed with her last week?" Chrystal defended, Rhea went red glaring at Carter.

"Thanks for making me look like a whore what is wrong with you! and by the way if I have anything its because I caught it from you" The girl all but screamed at him as she slapped his arm multiple times. He smiled, he had got the reaction he had wanted.

"Sorry shes a little crazy." This comment caused Rhea to storm off angrily. Carter then spoke to the mystery man. "Sorry I didn't catch your name?"

"Nick Thorpe."

'Well Well, we haven't even made it to first period and there is drama. Ofcourse it would be Carter and Rhea, and the new guy? We will find out your secrets Nick. Xoxo Gossip girl.'

"Your headbands are ugly." Carter spoke approaching Rhea.

"Get lost Baizen I'm not in the mood for you, are you following me or something?" Rhea replied still angry that he made a fool out of her.

"Look I shouldn't have told him you were gonna sleep with him and he was gonna catch something." Carter apologised looking at the girl. She furrowed her eyebrows still annoyed.

"You also called me crazy!"

"You are crazy." He replied with a laugh earning a grunt. "Fine I'm sorry for calling you names."

"You will be." She said still upset, the Waldorf's always got revenge it was a known fact throughout Constance.

"Are you threatening me Rhea? come on your over reacting." He spoke amused, the girl huffed still annoyed. "Look do you want to come to my place after school, my parents are out and-"

"Ive told you it was a one time thing!" The girl glared.

"I meant as friends we are friends right?" He said with a slight hurt tone in his voice.

"No." She said simply, Carter nodded and walked off. Instantly she felt bad, normally he would reply with a comment being rude to her, he usually didn't take offence at her words and would just laugh. Carter didn't he knew she was just mad, he knew the girl like the back of his hand that's why he knew she would be showing up at his place later. He was guilt tripping her.

Carter didn't have feelings for the girl, they hooked up but it was a good hook up. Normally girls were sloppy kissers or would make annoying noises during sex, it wasn't just that but there was something different about it with Rhea. It was more enjoyable, like she had something no one else did. Rhea was not one to put out, and the fact he got her undressing him in his room was something he couldn't wait to happen again.

'Well Well, Carter Baizen being rejected by Rhea? you should have seen that hurt look on his face. xoxo'

When Rhea saw the blast she felt even worse, that was when she decided she would be showing up at Carters later. She had plans not to sleep with him although the girl did slightly want to, it was fun and normally boys would be so scared and act like she was delicate. Carter was the opposite, he knew what a demon the Waldorf girl could be. He knew her, that just made it all the more enjoyable.

As weird as it sounds they have known each other since they were 6, Carter used this to his advantage laying kisses on her ticklish spots. She found herself thinking back to that night as she walked to his apartment, she debated weather she would give in to his flirting but she had a suspicion she would as she wore red lingerie under her clothes.

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