Chapter 12: The Murder Weapon Part Two

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Chapter 12: The Murder Weapon Part Two

I was yanked out of my cell by a guard. "If my little brother is here, don't even bother." I told him. The guard scoffed looking at me with a sickening smile.

"Detective Morgan wants to see you. Looks like you're getting your wish." I looked at him in confusion. I tried to get him to tell me what was happening, but he kept his mouth shut after the comment he made. My guess is if he told me more he could get in trouble. It probably wasn't his business to tell me anyway. So I just let it go with a sigh.

He lead me down the hallway I had known all too well at this point. The guard pushed me into the interrogation chair. Seriously? Did they always have to be so freaking rough? It wasn't like I was struggling in his hold for heavens sake.

Blake sat in front of me, a paper on the metal table. I looked down at it, but I couldn't make out what was on it. His eyes were locked on the sheet of paper in front of him. They held an immense anger that I had never seen him have before.

The guard left the room, shutting the door. I waited for Blake to speak but he didn't. We sat in silence for about two minutes before he actually acknowledged my presence.

"Just--" He gritted out, "Tell me that this isn't what it looks like. Tell me that you didn't kill him."

I looked at him and realized what had happened. I felt the bile rise in my throat. He knew. He now knew the truth. The truth about me. "I can't." I respond quietly. Even though I had been telling him this the entire time-- I never really wanted him to believe it. I guess I felt better when Blake thought that I was innocent. I knew deep down that I still loved him, the man who made me feel something after a long time of not doing so, so much that him finally knowing broke my already shattered heart.

He slid the paper across the table and stood up, walking away and over towards the mirror. His back was to me, but I could see his face in the reflection of the fake mirror. He looked demoralized. Once again I had ruined another person. Garrett, Kathy, Amanda, and now him. It feels like I'm cursed.

"You were right." He said in a small voice. Blake turned around, coldness in his eyes. "I don't know you. I guess I never did."

I took a shaky breath, closing my lips tightly. I didn't talk. I knew he needed to say what he was going to. He needed closure. And if I could give him one last thing-- it would be that.

"You had me fooled. I thought I knew who you were on inside and out. You made me trust you, I let you in-- Only for you to break my heart, and throw me out into the dirt. I believed that maybe you needed time-- I was so fucking stupid to have hope for something that meant absolutely nothing." He said devoid of emotion. Then the rage appeared.

"I fucking WAITED for you! I thought we were meant to be and all of that bullshit! You never gave a shit about me! It was all about you! You are a demon! A leech! You leech off of pain and THAT is why you killed Drake!" He shouted. I held my tears back. I deserved this. I deserved everything he was dishing out.

"You wanted me to be a detective and figure it out?!" He yelled getting closer to me. He pointed a finger in my face, no distance between us. "Well I've got you figured out. You're sick and twisted and THAT is why you are alone. That is why you are going to ROT in jail. Because you are incapable of loving anyone. You were incapable of loving me, and you are incapable of anything that remotely relates to the word." He hissed. My lip trembled as I took his vicious words. I deserved them. They were right. All of it. "You're a liar. And you're a murder." A traitor tear slipped out as he was pulled away from me by Detective Bradford.

"That's enough Morgan!" He threatened. Blake looked at me in disgust before he stormed out of the room.

Bradford looked at me suspiciously before sitting in front of me. My eyes were trained on the metal desk in front of me. Don't cry Jenna, I tell myself. Don't.

"I won't say anything about Blake's outburst." I tell Detective Bradford shakily. Surprise runs through his old and crinkled eyes. "Just bring me back to my cell." I tell him weakly, looking away.

The Silver ScarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora