Chapter 10: Garrett

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Chapter 10: Garrett

I sit in the interrogation room again. It seems Blake is never going to give up. I wish he would. I guess it's just who he is though. It's probably what makes him a good cop; his stubborness.

The door opens, but the person who walks through it made me gasp.



I leapt up from my seat and rushed over to him. I lifted my arms above my head as he ran towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I bring my cuffed hands over his body, hugging him closer to me. "Oh my god." I keep repeating. "You're safe. You're safe." I felt my bottom lip trembling and I couldn't hold my emotions back. It was almost impossible with Garrett.

"God I missed you. Don't ever leave me again." Garrett ordered. I pulled him tighter to me. He's okay. He's really okay.

"I'm so sorry." I bawled. "I'm so so sorry." My hands grip onto his green shirt.

"I know." He whispers rocking me back and forth slightly. Garrett was trying to comfort me, something that I didn't realize I needed until that moment. "I know, Jenna."

I pulled back, taking my cuffed hands from around his back. I looked over him, inspecting his body. "How have you been?" I rushed out. "Did they hurt you?" I questioned frantically, trying to make sure none of the cops were rough with him. If they even laid a finger on Garrett I swear--

"I'm fine, Jenna. You don't always have to worry about me. I'm not the one in handcuffs." He interjected. I looked at him seriously.

"I'll always worry." I told him softly. "It's my job." I joked lightly. Garrett didn't find it funny.

"You have to tell them." Garrett declared. "You have to. You can't go to jail Jenna--"

"Garrett." I stop him. I look down slightly. "I--" It was hard to admit to Garrett that I killed Drake. I knew that Garrett already knew, but there is a difference between telling someone and having them already know. I didn't want him to think of me as a monster. Someone who killed a human being in cold blood. I didn't want him to be ashamed of me. Even if Garrett was better off without me, I was far too selfish to want to be without him. To have him know me for who I really am. "I h--have to." I stutter.

"No--" Garrett denied. "No." He shakes his head.

"I am so proud of you." I tell him sniffling. "You are so smart and talented." I give him a small and sad smile. Wiping some tears from my eyes. "You're eighteen. You get to leave, Garrett. You're free from Drake. You can go fulfil every possible dream you've ever had. You won't have to be sad for the rest of your life. You can finally, after all of these years, live."

Garrett is rendered speechless. I placed my hand against his cheek, and gave him a serious look. "Amanda can help. She can take care of you now." I covered my mouth. I breath in before taking it away. I bring my hand up to his hair and stroke it. "She'll help you get on your feet. Help you find a college. All of it." I tell him. He pulls away from me roughly.

"I don't want Amanda!" He wailed. "I want you, Jenna." Tears forming in his brown eyes.

"That's not a possibility kid." I told him quietly, but affectionately. I pressed my lips together and sniffled. "It'll be okay. I promise." I whisper.

"But that's not the promise I want you to keep Jenna." He said bitterly. I flinched.

"Garrett--" I say breathlessly trying to reach for him. He steps backward. I tremble, tears flowing from my eyes. I shut them tightly. I deserve this. He deserves better than me. I can't be selfish. Not anymore. Not. Anymore. I open my eyes and sniffle. "I love you." I whisper. I memorize his face. His hair. His smile. His beautiful soul. I shake as the tears rush faster.

"G-guards." I shake. "Take me to my cell." I tell them. Garrett's head whips over to me.

The door opens and I walk quickly over to the guards. They take ahold of my shoulders and push me forward.

"No-- wait!" He pleads. I see Garrett trying to get to me, but being held back by two guards. He struggles against their hold. I stay turned away, not daring to look back at him. I can't be weak. For once in my life I can't be weak.

"JENNA!" He screams. I cry as the guards and I walk forward. "LET GO OF ME!" He yells. I sob, looking down towards the ground as Garrett screams for me to come back. Screams for me not to leave him.

In a way I am keeping my promise. My promise is to keep him safe. And to do that he should be the farthest away from me that he can get.

"NO! JENNA! PLEASE COME BACK! PLEASE!" His voice echoed throughout the halls. I hated myself. I would never forgive myself for hurting him like this. Ever.

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