Chapter 7: Blake and The Blow Up

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Chapter 7: Blake and The Blow Up

"Blake, just let me go." I plead looking into his stunning green eyes. I felt the tears beginning to form in my eyes. He needs to let me go. I have to leave. I can't look at him anymore. I'm disgusting.

"Never." He told me, gripping tighter. I whimpered, a traitor tear leaking out of my eye. I promised myself no more crying. I had been doing too much of it lately. It made me weak, something I couldn't afford to be. "I don't know what's wrong with you, but you haven't been yourself. I want to know why." He prodded harshly.

I shook my head feverishly. "Stop, okay?" I beg. "I can't be with you anymore."

He pulls me closer, so close that I can smell his minty breath. So close that I can see every line of worry etched on his beautiful face. "No. I won't leave you. I won't stop loving you. I'm not letting you go Jenna. Ever." He said passionately. I shut my eyes, the tears leaking at an uncontrollable speed. I hate myself.

"I don't love you, Blake." I lie. He deserves more than me . "I don't."

Blake holds tighter, something I didn't think was possible, "I don't know why you are lying to me. I don't know why you are pushing me away, but you have got to stop. I'm not going anywhere."

"Get this through your thick head!" I yell, trying to break free from his arms. He's too strong. "I don't love you! I don't want to be with you!"

I knew that every time I yelled the awful words it felt like someone was hitting me in the stomach with a baseball bat. "Let me go." I say quieter. "Please." I beg.

He see's the look in my eyes. I know he see's the desperation in them. He takes that as me not wanting him. If only he knew that it wasn't that at all. If he found out, he wouldn't want me anymore anyway. I wouldn't.

Slowly, never breaking his gaze, he released me. I took a couple steps back, needing the extra distance from him. Being close made it harder, and it was hard enough already. I knew one misstep and he'd be pulling me back into his arms. I couldn't cut the act until I was sure he was gone. Blake walked backwards towards my front door. The gaze was filled with anger and hurt, but I knew this is what is best for him.

And then he turned, left, and never came back.

I blink coming back to reality. Blake is sitting across from me, his gaze never wavering from mine. Seeing him again is screwing with my head. The only thing I can think about around him is our past. Blake was my first and only serious boyfriend. The man I fell in love with hard and fast. The man I still love deep down. The man I pushed away.

"I want to see Garrett." I tell him, my voice hard. Blake doesn't respond. He looks at me like he has always looked at me.

"You didn't do it." He said adamantly. "Stop covering for him." His tone is full of seriousness. I am shocked for a moment. He really thinks Garrett did this?

"I'm not." I told him honestly. I knew my eyes were cold. His eyes searched mine, looking for something to tell him that I was lying. But I wasn't, and he needed to know that. I wanted to be put in jail. I deserve to be put in jail. "I just want to see Garrett one last time before I am convicted." I told him softly.

He continues the silent treatment for a while before I huff, "Blake--"

"Detective Morgan." He corrects me. My eyes widen slightly before I regain my composure. I felt a slight pang in my chest.

"Detective Morgan could I please see my brother--"

"No." He said shortly. I glared at him.

"Then I guess we're done here." I told him curtly. Looking at the wall to the side of me.

"No, no we're not." He says sharply.

"Cut the act Detective Morgan." I taunt. "Are you going to let me see Garrett or not?"

"No." He said, never missing a beat, "No, I'm not. Because I know you, Jenna. You didn't do this. And I'll be damned if you take the blame for something that Garrett did."

I took an uneven breath. "Don't." I fumed. "You don't know me." I told him icily.

He let out a bitter laugh. "I know you too well."

"I'm not the same person I was 7 years ago. I changed. You don't know me, Blake. And honestly," I paused leaning forward, "I don't think you ever did."

Blake narrowed his eyes, "You were the love of my life, Jenna." He sneered. I gasped lightly, hoping he really didn't just say that. "So yeah, I know. Better than anyone else."

"Don't." I whispered, trying to will myself not to let my eyes get glassy. "Don't do that." I shook my head.

"Do what?" He questioned harshly, "Tell the truth?"

"Just seconds ago you were telling me to call you Detective Morgan. Stop changing your mind. It's not professional." I told him angrily.

He tilted his head to the side, "So you do care?"

"What gave you that impression?" I asked, "I told you it's not professional to tell the killer in the case you are working, that they were the love of your life." I bit out.

"But you're not the killer." He proclaimed.

"YES I AM!" I yelled. I look a deep breath, shutting my eyes tight. I had to calm down. Don't lose control. Take it back. "That night Blake--" My throat closed. "I hate him. I hate him so much that it consumes me." I tell him, my voice almost demonic. "He took everything from me."

Blake clenched his jaw in anger.

"I wanted nothing more than for him to die. So I made it happen." I paused, giving him a sickening smile. "I stabbed him repeatedly, Blake. About ten times. I wanted to make sure that he could never hurt me and Garrett ever again." I growled.

I stood up and looked at the mirror. "Are you happy Bradford?!" I screamed. "Is that the million dollar confession you fucking wanted!" I huffed. "I killed Drake Mota! I stabbed him with the weapon I brought you! I did it because I wanted to-- ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW!" I yelled. I stormed over to the glass and smashed my cuffed hands against the fake mirror repeatedly. All of the rage I held inside came out. I felt two arms wrap around me. They were too comforting. They were too familiar.

"Stop! Jenna! STOP!" Blake yelled, holding onto me tighter. I slowly stopped kicking and screaming. Then I heard Blake say, "Shhh...."

I was crying.

"I just-- I just want to see Garrett. Please-- Please!" I beg, sobbing into Blake's shoulder.

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