BTS Concert Memoir

Start from the beginning

The concert started at 8 o'clock. We arrived at 6. So there was a lot of time to wait. I spent it talking to a girl my age sitting right by me. She was really sweet and I wish my first impression wasn't a nervous wreck on her. The girl gave me some food every now and then. Honestly, I couldn’t tell whether or not she found me annoying. Her name was fairly similar to my name and she was at the concert for the same reason as me. Our sixteenth birthdays. I wish I would have got her number.

She had a lightstick with her that lite up to the MVs that would play on the big screens. She said it lite up to the songs they sing and it was something almost everyone had. After realising I had nothing better to spend my money on I bought the two light sticks. One for me and one for my sister. Which added up to costing a boatload of a hundred and fourteen dollars. My wallet was once again starving for money.

Even though they costed my wallets life the lightsticks were 123% worth it. They made the whole experience so much more amazing. The lightsticks even came with a packet of cards. The cards had photos and names of each member on them. It was cute.

I checked the time on my LG Stylo. The numbers 7:57PM shone on my cracked phone screen. My sister bounced up and down in excitement next to me. Her scream was like a thousand bullets to the ear. They were going to come on stage any minute now.

I felt the adrenaline coursing through me. My stomach felt like it had finally twisted to a point it became knotted. Sweat trickled down my forehead in beads. The air was thick with heavy stage fog. It smelled of a fancy perfume that I swore I've smelled before. My eyes stay pinned on the surprisingly tiny stage in anticipation.

The screens flickered off and the BT21 characters replaced the pitch darkness of the screens. It was a little video saying to have a good time and keep video recording to a limit. I was practically on my toes at this point.

The stage lights turned on as did the large screens. Screens began to move, opening up the stage like a play curtain. Pumped up music played that really riled up the crowd in anticipation as the stage slowly unfolded. Behind the large screens were the members in all their shimmering glory. They began singing one of their songs almost instantly as they danced skilfully to their choreography to “Idol”.

I watched with wide eyes for awhile. Still unable to believe they were actually right there. That's when the anxiety mixed with so many other unrecognizable emotions rose to the surface. Tears began falling down my cheeks. The reality settling in.

I was here watching the band that changed my life. The boys that saved me from breaking down so many times with their music and silly videos. I was here, right next to those humans that accomplished so much. They saved so many people. So many ARMY'S with just simply being themselves. The bubbles of emotion kept popping inside my chest as I watched them step to the front stage.

The leader of the group, Kim Namjoon, began talking to us. I couldn't understand most of what he was saying despite it being fluent English. The gist of what I heard was to have a great time and enjoy the show.

Then he forcefully shoved the microphone into the makanes face. The unexpecting boy was brought out of a daze. He clearly wasn't anticipating having to speak English first. I felt bad for him as he struggled to find words. At the same time I found it hilarious and let out a few giggles. Sorry, Jeon Jungkook.

I couldn't understand what all the members were saying. I just know they did their best with pronouncing English words over fans screaming rudely before they were done.

It came to my bias, Kim Taehyung. I'm sure he said something along the lines of,

“Hi, I'm V.” Whilst doing his V sign over his eye.

The words that rang in my ears the most from him is when he said, “You are all our… super heros.”

The ARMY screamed for him as I silently cried and felt a small smile creeping on my lips. I didn't think those anime scenes of smiling and crying calmly existed till that moment.

When Kim Seokjin introduced himself he blew the typical kiss to the audience.

After him was Jung Hoseok. He did his usual,

“I'm your hope, your my hope, I'm-?”

“J-HOOOOOPE!” The ARMY filled in for him and he did a enthusiastic arm wave thing in response. I can't even explain his actions. And so the three hours of screaming and crying began. Moments and songs passed in a blurr.

Once they ended one of their songs and got lined up on the stage it began to move down underneath them. To take them understage for a break. Only, they all seemed to not know that was going to happen. The Bangtan Boys all flinched in shock. Their faces scrunching in confusion and fear as the floor moved under their feet. I nearly rolled on the floor laughing.

Another one of their songs they messed up and accidentally exposed themselves.

“No, I'm in front.” One of them said rather loudly.

Things were too fast to pinpoint who revealed them all. I chuckled nonetheless. I loved how their performances weren't needed to be perfect. They could just mess up and have fun as much as they wanted.

Park Jimin began singing his solo song “Serendipity”. I never listened to their new album as I wanted most of it to be a surprise. So when he continued to sing a whole new part of that song I was in complete shock. I let out a loud “what”. I swear many ARMY around me looked to me and raised an eyebrow. I was too focused on Jimin to notice nor care though.

Before each solo song they would play intro videos on the big screens. I remember Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin had their intros combined. It was rather fascinating how they did it.

Finally, Kim Taehyung's time to shine came. The intro videos played of him in a “Singularity” setting. Pictures of him in his ice cream hair flickered on the big screens. Then that same pastel pink haired boy showed himself on stage.

He wore a long black and white robe and a cute star earring. V sang his solo with his perfect husky voice. So deep and smooth. He hit every note with ease. It was the most calming performance I've ever seen.

When it ended I at last had courage to scream, “KIM TAEHYUNG!” Through my tear damp eyes and dry lips. That was the only time I screamed his name. Even so, I noticed him look directly at me more then once. During the eternity of the show I didn’t give it much attention. Figuring it was just me. Though, my mom confirmed it later that night. The butterflies went crazy in my stomach when my mom told me how often he looked at me.

The concert came to a near end in a flash. I made sure to scream all their names throughout the concert. Maintaining a smile through and through. I settled into a mindset of being in heaven. Of letting all my worries be washed away by the boys in front of me.

They waved goodbye to the audience for a good ten minutes. Moving to all different sides of the stage. I didn’t notice any of them wave toward me or at me for a long while. So instead I watched them on the big screens.

Did I mention how much I hated the big screens? They made me feel as if none of this was happening. As if I was just watching another live of them in Korea or on Youtube. So most of the concert I watched them the best I could actually there on the stage. I should have just kept with the script. Because when I let my eyes slip from the big screens to the stage. Suga was waving directly at me with both hands. Green eyes met dark brown for a moment. I quickly attempted in greeting him back by waving my two hands back down at him. One hand holding my light stick while the other swayed freely. As soon as I did Suga seemed satisfied that I finally noticed him and turned to the other members.

I put my hands down feeling awkwardness begin to rise in my stomach. I watched as they backed down the stage toward the exit. It felt as if my heart was being squeezed. The concert was the most amazing thing I had ever experienced in my lifetime. The boys, as expected, did outstanding. Next time I was definitely getting a ticket to the pit.

    (Authors Note: Might as well write a whole book.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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