Do You Remember?

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Dean POV fifteen minutes earlier

"Sam! Get your ass down here! I found it," I whisper  yelled in frustration into my cell phone. He didn't answer again. The djinn was feeding off of a young blonde girl. She was strung up from the ceiling. I walked slowly towards it, holding out my silver knife covered in lambs blood. I kept inching toward it. I finally got close enough to it to stab it, but of course, it's never that easy. I felt pain rush through me. "Sam!" I yelled. I heard heavy running footsteps come down the stairs. It was Sam. The Djinn had gone back to feeding and didn't notice Sam. He threw the knife at it. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

Sam ran over to me. He helped me up, which hurt  like a bitch. I helped him untangle the girl and she would have fallen to the ground if we weren't there to catch her. I took over to job of holding her.

"It's ok. Your going to be ok," I tried to sooth her. She was either just torn out of her best dream, or living her worst nightmare. Judging by the nervous twitching and the moans, she was in a nightmare. I kept saying soothing words and picked up her legs. I was still in pain, but she was more important at the moment.

I walked up the steps, every movement killing me. I made it out to the impala and set her in the backseat. I threw Sam the keys and got in the passenger seat. I grunted. It hurt to sit. Luckily, it was only about a ten minute drive to the bunker.

It felt like forever, but we were finally home. I let Sam get her out of the car, and I unlocked the door and opened it for him. He walked her in, her feet first. She was still kinda jerking around, but a lot less than before. For some reason, she didn't look like a normal girl. She had scars all over her arms. She had a knife stuffed in her boot. I shook the thought and closed the door once I was inside.

"Put her on the couch," I told Sam. He sat her down carefully and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ok, so now we wait," he said, sympathy clouding his voice. He grabbed his laptop off of the coffee table. "Yep. She should wake up any time now," I said, walking to the kitchen. I grabbed a beer and some potato chips. I plopped down on my bed. I sat there and ate my snack, and shortly after that, fell asleep.

I'm sorry to change POV's in the middle of a chapter, but this is a VERY important part of the story. WARNING: some mild/medium adult content ahead. (Nothing super bad)

Jordan POV now

I looked up at Dean. The pain had left me completely. I sat up in confusion. "Did I- did I just die?" I asked him. He looked at me with a weird grin on his face. A scary grin. He dove into me, kissing my neck really hard. I couldn't tell if he was kissing me or biting me. I tried to push him off me, but he was too big for my small body to over power. "Dean, stop." I asked. I tried pushing his shoulders. no luck. "Dean, get off me," I said. He started to try to move my shirt up. I tightly held the hem down in defence.

"Dean! I said to get off of m-" he put his lips to mine, really hard. He bit my lip. I pushed his face away from mine. Before I realize what is going on, he threw me over his shoulder. I thrashed around as much as I could, punching his back. "Dean, what the hell? Let go of me!" I screamed. There were no people on the street to help me. He started jogging like he always held people on his shoulders.  I started crying. My worst nigmare was coming true.

He carried me to the motel, and it had no cars and no people to help me. Sam was even gone. "Dean! let me go, please." I started yelling, then quieted down to a whisper. I stopped trying to get away; it was useless. "I'm sorry. I can't do that," he said. He threw me down. My first instinct was to try to scurry away and get a vantage point. Of course, Dean was way bigger than me and caught me. I was then laying on my back.

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