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Lydia and I have been chatting every day for at least a few minutes though she was always busy with her project. I told her repetitively that it was okay and that I knew how important this was for her. She didn't want to talk about Tyler at all and I gave her space but I knew she was hurting deep inside. Since she was working on such an emotional project, I tried to keep our conversations light in attempts to cheer her up. So far, I learned that she is totally a nerd and legit has a collection of comic books at her childhood home; it was just another thing that we had in common. She's also allergic to strawberries but suffers through the consequences once in a while to enjoy a smoothie. Her favorite color is yellow, which she used to pronounce 'lellow' when she was younger, and she always tried to take a fish home from the fair as her prize every year but her dad always made her take it back.

I loved hearing all about her childhood, hobbies, and favorite things and she seemed interested in mine as well. I've told her some of my deepest secrets about how hard it was for me in school although I tried not to show it, how I felt when my dog passed away, and even how I'd always wished to find a girl way out of my league who'd still love me for reasons she can't explain. Lydia got quiet when I mentioned the last part but I didn't regret saying it because I felt she was starting to like me a little bit; at least I hoped. I was undeniably falling in love with her and everyone around me knew it.

"You ready to go man? Nervous?" Max was trying to be supportive and Kyle was really holding back on the jokes to which I was ever so grateful.

"Of course I'm nervous," I answered while rolling up the sleeves on my white button down before tucking it into my black slacks. The final art exhibition was a big event with a pretty formal dress code and this was the fanciest I could do without feeling restricted; there was absolutely no way I was going to wear a tie.

"Did she agree to meet you yet?" Lindsay asked. I'd been trying to keep my friends in the loop more instead of letting them eavesdrop and make assumptions.

"No. I'm hoping she will though, I'm not sure I'll be able to walk away once I see her."

Kyle desperately wanted to make a sarcastic response but simply held out the sunflowers I'd bought for Lydia and gave me a small smile.


Can you go to the lobby?

I got Lydia's text message when there were only three acts to go; hers was the closer.

"I'll be right back," I whispered to Max and quietly snuck out of the auditorium.

I'm here.

My phone started ringing and I smiled gently before picking up.

"Hey Lydia."


"Yes, I'm here. Are you okay?"

"I can't do this." I couldn't hear any signs of tears but she was definitely panicking.

"You can do this sweetheart. You've been practicing for so long and put so much hard work into this. It's time to share your story." I knew I slipped up on the pet name but didn't care when she sighed happily into the phone.

"What would I do without you James?"

"You would be okay. You're so strong Lydia."

"Because of you." I smiled at the sweet compliment.

"You ready?"

"I'm ready." We both knew the sentiment had a double meaning.

"You'll do great. I'll see you after."

I took my seat just as the curtains opened to the most stunning brunette I'd ever seen; I could practically feel my jaw on the floor. Unable to compose myself before she started, I was trapped in awe of everything Lydia.

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