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I don't know what time it was when I passed out but I woke knowing I had got one of the best night's sleep, ever. It was currently nine in the morning so I trudged out of bed and headed immediately to the shower to wash the stench of the club off my body.

"How the hell are you out of bed?" Kyle asked, barging into the shared bathroom while I was just getting out of the shower.

"He's blessed, remember?" Max appeared as well looking quite disheveled in yesterday's clothing. "Never had a hangover, never will," he mimicked in my deeper voice and I shrugged while wrapping a towel around my waist.

"You guys, I'm sorry you can't be real men but maybe if you just put in a bit of effort," I joked and they both glared at me.

"You're lucky we've been friends through high school," Max mumbled.

"He's lucky he put on all that muscle or everyone would only see the truth within; a book-reading and article-writing nerd."

I laughed with Kyle and started making my way out of the overcrowded bathroom. Before I left though, I turned and wiggled my eyebrows while simultaneously flexing my abs just to be a dick.

"You should know man, nerds get all the action after high school."

He grunted and Max swatted me with his rolled up towel.

"Shut the fuck up."


After getting dressed, I ransacked my room, finally finding my shiny new iPhone and noticed a voicemail from an unknown number. I stopped right in my tracks, sat on the edge of my bed while frantically pulling the phone to my ear, and listened to her message.

"Why did you have to get this phone number? Why couldn't I hear his voice on that stupid voicemail heading? I need to hear his voice again."

There were a few seconds of what sounded like light sniffling before a door opened and a conversation must have been had between her and a friend. The loud music sounded like she was out partying, which would explain her slightly slurred speech.

"Listen, I have to go, but I just wanted to apologize for being weird the other night. I won't call you again."

Then I was listening to the dial tone. I was so confused. She couldn't hear his voice on the voicemail heading? Why would she look forward to that? After some thinking, I went with my gut and called her back, getting voicemail as I'd expected.

"Hey, it's James again. I'm sorry you weren't able to reach who you were looking for, and I know you don't know me at all, but if you ever needed to talk just give me a call alright?" I almost hung up but quickly added: "And take some ibuprofen when you wake up with some water; it will help with the hangover." Then I hung up, immediately flopping down to my bed in embarrassment.

"You okay?" Lindsay appeared in my doorway looking fresh and clean, a clear sign that she didn't spend the night here.

"She called me," I said. I knew Kyle and Max would rip on me all day if they overheard, but I needed to explain what the hell I was feeling to someone who would listen. "She was drunk; said she wanted to hear his voice on the voicemail heading but I took his number so she can't."

"Who's the guy?"

"No idea."

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