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It was almost November when I gave in and called her again. I hadn't heard a peep from the mysterious woman for over a month but there wasn't a day when I didn't think about her and the sorrow I heard through her slurred words.

"Hello?" I was stunned, she actually answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, uh, it's James."

"Yeah, I got your voicemail; added you to my contacts. Listen I'm sorry about that, I always tell my friends to take my phone away when I drink," she awkwardly joked.

"You added me to your contacts?"

"Yes. Is that weird? I only did it so I don't accidentally call you again."

"I wouldn't mind." It was silent for a few seconds and I wished I could literally bend my leg up and stick my foot in my mouth. "How are you doing?"

"Well I haven't drunkenly called you again so I'd say I'm feeling a little better."

"Who was he?"

She stayed silent once more but she had the option to hang up if she didn't want to answer. I had the feeling she wanted to talk about him though and after a bit, she responded.

"My boyfriend."

"What happened to him?"

"Car accident."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I don't deserve the empathy," she said sourly through layers of sorrow.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it was my fault."

Then I heard the dial tone and almost entered her number again but figured she wanted some time. It would be a struggle not to give in, but I'd call her tomorrow.

Wrong NumberWhere stories live. Discover now