i let out a chuckle. "what are you doing, mikey?"

he opens his left eye, looking over to me and smiling, even though his tongue is still out and his head is still held high. he closes both eyes once again and starts swinging, but very softly.

"living." he answers. for some odd reason, that sends chills throughout my entire body. it's then that i realize that michael and luke are very similar. it's then that i wonder if michael and luke both shared the same amount of love for each other; i wonder if luke ever thought about michael while sitting in class, or doing the dishes, or even simply lying in bed alone at four a.m. i wonder if luke loved michael. i wonder why it ended.

the rain starts to pour down harder, and i decide that it's best if we leave this abandoned park. i suggest we go make a run for the nearest gas station, as the busses have surely stopped running by now. michael nods, quickly making his way up the dirst roads of the park and onto actual sidewalk, me following closely next to him. i can feel my shoes get wetter and wetter with each step. we soon get to a random gas station, not too far from my house, and decide to sit out the rain. the wooden bench outside the doors of the gas station aren't the comfiest chairs in the world, but they work. michael pulls out his phone, which is a little wet, and checks the time. 12:17 a.m.


"want a soda or something? on me."

"nah," i shake my head, "i'm okay... but a candy bar wouldn't hurt." i mumble.

"candy bar coming right up!" he laughs, sending me a smile before entering the gas station. a breathy chuckle escapes my lips as he skips through the doors. i patiently wait for him to return with the candy bar, and out of pure boredom i pull out my phone. it's then i remember i have luke's number. i haven't texted him yet. it's been a week and i haven't texted him. good one, ashton.

i quickly type away on my phone, just sending a casual hello it's ashton (: to luke. i don't expect him to answer, as it's very late and i don't expect him to actually be awake.

three minutes go by and no answer from luke, but that small amount of hope is still there. michael comes strolling out of the doors of the gas station. he sits next to me, handing me a twix candy bar. "this okay?" he asks, i nod, my stomach growling at the actual sight of food. i take one bite of it, letting the sweet taste of the  chocolate glide on my tongue for a second. i hear michael cough a little louder than usual, so i look over at him. he's staring at my, giving me his best puppy eyes. i chew and swallow the piece of chocolate in my mouth, and scoff when michael pouts his lip. i can't lie, he looks very adorable. you know, for michael. i scoff, but smile, and break the twix in half and hand michael a part. he smiles and takes a bite. cute.

"so," i say after a bit, "i, uh, i got luke's number." i glance over at michael. he physically tenses up, but i don't think he knows that i noticed because he coughs and takes another bite of his chocolate bar and tries to act very casual. i can see right through it, though.

"did you?"


"i'm not trying to be rude, but, how the hell did you get his number?" he chuckles. i try my best not to find any offense in his question.

"he just walked up to me, grabbed my phone, and put in his number."

"seriously? huh."

it stays quiet for a good five minutes, only the sound of the rain hitting the pavement surrounding us. i actually start to doze off, but i'm shaken awake when my phone buzzes in my hand. i sigh, slightly annoyed that whoever is texting me had to interrupt my half sleepy state. those feelings of dread soon turn into excitement when i see i have a text from luke.

the rain → lashtonWhere stories live. Discover now