Chapter 45

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Lexie's Pov

After I left out of the gym with Odell we went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. Odell shockingly has gotten better at cooking and he cooks for me from time to time now. Although we strictly sticking to healthy food and things at the moment.

" What you want for breakfast," Lexie asked looking in the refrigerator.

" Let's make blueberry pancakes," Odell said.

" I'm with it baby," Lexie said taking blueberry out the refrigerator.

Once I took everything out I need to make the food Odell decided he was going to make them. I didn't decline because his pancakes really are delicious. While he was making that I went and made us a smoothie with oatmeal and blueberry yogurt with banana. After I finished that I started drinking my smoothie and looking over the case files for today.

Lora and I have to be to the attorney office at @10 and I have something that's going blow Darnell out the water. It took me a while to get a whole of this information but I have it and it's going to help us win this case. Although I was snapped out of my thought when a plate was sat in front of me.

" Omg thank so much," Lexie said grabbing pancake and shoving it in her mouth

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" Omg thank so much," Lexie said grabbing pancake and shoving it in her mouth.

" Your welcome you good tho," Odell asked sitting next to her eating.

" Yeah i'm okay I'm just feel better once my sister is divorce and she got her settlement," Lexie said.

"  Oh yeah you go court today so that means i'm home alone with kids today," Odell asked.

" Yup but that's okay because you and I are going have the weekend all to our self when we fly to Las Vegas Friday," Lexie said kissing Odell's cheek.

" I'm with -," before he could finish we heard crying on the baby monitor.

" Bentley," both of them said at the same time.

" I'm go get him, baby," Lexie said putting her drink down.

Once I put my drink down I went upstairs to Barbie room and saw crying, Bentley. We did too separate nursery but they sleep longer and better when they with each other. So they normally sleep together in Barbie room because it's closer to Odell's and I room.

" Why you up so early and so cranky baby," Lexie asked picking Bentley up and kissing him.

" ........," Bentley said.

" You just wanted your mama huh you not even crying no more. You bad baby about to wake your sister up with all that non-sense crying," Lexie said kissing Bentley.

"," Bentley said gripping his mom's finger

" Let's go see dada," Lexie said walking downstairs.

When I got downstairs Odell was washing the dishes so I sat down and finished my food while bouncing Bentley on my lap. Although I wasn't paying attention when I was scrolling on Instagram when I looked down Bentley had broken my pancake up little. He had squished a blueberry in his hand as well.

" Odell look at your son making a mess," Lexie said laughing.

" You letting him make the mess," Odell said walking around and picking Bentley up.

" Hey stanky," Odell said kissing him.

"," Bentley said sneezing.

" Bless you baby boy," Lexie said eating the piece of pancake he broke up.

" You still ate it huh," Odell asked laughing.

" Why wouldn't I know where my kids been," Lexie said walking up to Odell and taking Bentley.

" Why took him," Odell asked.

" I'm about get him and Barbie dress before I go to attorney office so you don't be stress out," Lexie said walking upstairs with Bentley.

" Alright, i'm about watch ESPN," Odell said sitting on the couch.

Once I got upstairs I sat Bentley in his crib and picked out his outfit for day. After I had his outfit I laid him on the changing table. I took his pjs off and put in his laundry basket. Once that was done I took his old diaper off and put in diaper genie.

" Hey stanky," Lexie said sticking her tongue out at him. After I did that he stuck his tongue back out and started blowing bubbles.

" You are so my child," Lexie said to herself.

I wiped him down with wash cloth then put fresh diaper on him. I bath them at night so they be good go in morning. Once that was done I rubbed him all over with baby lotion and put some coconut oil in his hair.

He was smelling good and he was clean so I slipped this black onesies on him that said daddy's little man. Once he had that on I put his pants over it and his little hat on his head. Then slipped black pair socks on his tiny feet.

" Now I have to go get sister ready stanky," Lexie said while kissing him.

" Um um um ma na," Bentley said while blowing bubbles.

" Poor son I hope you have mostly your mom brain and dad athletics," Lexie said while walking to Barbie room with Bentley in her arms.

When I got in Barbie room she was up but she wasn't crying. I sat Bentley down next to her and then I picked her up.

" Morning B.B.," Lexie said kissing her.

" Ma na," Barbie said.

" Let's get you changed so mom can get dress," Lexie said sitting her on changing table.

After I sat Barbie on changing table I took her pjs off and put in her laundry basket. Once that was done I took her old diaper off and put in diaper genie. I then wet wash cloth and wiped her down.

After I finished that I took lotion and lotioned her all up and rubbed some coconut oil in her hair. She was smelling good so I put fresh diaper on her and pulled outfit out.

I put her in onesie that said Sassy like my mama. After that was on I slipped match tutu on with it and put her headband on her head. She was dress now so I just slipped some white socks on her feet.

Since they both was dress now I picked them both up and walked in  Odell's and I room

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Since they both was dress now I picked them both up and walked in  Odell's and I room. I sat them on bed and then I called Odell to come upstairs.

" What's up," Odell asked walking in room.

" Your kids," Lexie said laughing.

" I see that what's up baby girl," Odell asked getting in bed and playing with Barbie toes.

" I'm going shower," Lexie said.

" Okay," Odell said playing with the kids.

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