Her phone buzzed again, only this time it was a text from Derek.

Do you have anything yet?

Brooked rolled her eyes at his impatience—they had literally only been inside for two minutes. Instead of texting him back, Brooke pressed the call button and brought the phone to her ear.

"Well?" Derek asked. Brooke rolled her eyes again. Stiles was standing next to her, trying to lean in so he could hear the conversation. Brooke pushed him away.

"There's no one here," Brooke said. Stiles tried leaning in again, and instead of pushing him away again, Brooke just sighed and put the phone on speaker.

"What do you mean there's no one there? Where's Melissa?" Derek asked.

"I mean no one is here, Der," Brooke said.

"As for Melissa, we can't find her," Stiles said. He leaned in closely towards Brooke's hand. She just shook her head at his behavior and handed him the phone.

"She might be at the game," Brooke suggested. Down the hall, she heard the sound of a chair rolling and immediately turned towards it.

"Where are you going?" Stiles asked as she walked down the hall.

"I think I heard something," Brooke answered, walking further towards the noise further away from Stiles.

"Wait, Brooke!" Stiles said franticly. "Don't leave me alone, this silent hospital thing is really creepy!"

Brooke somehow kept her eyes from rolling. "I'll be right back."

She walked down the hallway further, still hearing Stiles on the phone with Derek.

"Tell Brooke to find Jennifer. She's the nurse that's been taking care of our uncle," Derek said through the phone. Brooke came to a room that the sound appeared to have come from, but frowned when she saw that it was empty.

"Yeah, he's not here either," Stiles said from across the hall. Brooke turned sharply. How was her uncle not there? Last time she had visited, he had been completely catatonic. According to Derek, he hadn't approved much the last time he had visited either.

The only way he could've healed in such a short amount of time is with an extreme amount of power; one that only an Alpha had.

"STILES!" Brooke yelled at the realization. She quickly ran towards the teen boy, hearing Derek yell through the speaker.

"Get out of there, Stiles! It's him, he's the Alpha!

Brooke skidded to a stop in the middle of the hallway, finding Stiles stood frozen in fear as her uncle stood before him, burn scars covering half of his face.

"You must be Stiles," Peter said. His gaze rose the blonde girl behind him. "Brooke! My, how you've grown."

"It's been six years," Brooke said dumbly, taking a step forward to grab the back of Stiles' jacket. Peter's eyes immediately went to her hands, eyes narrowing.

Brooke pulled the back of Stiles' jacket, tugging him towards the door. When they turned around they found a red headed nurse standing in front of them.

"What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over," she told them.

"Wait, you're the one who sent the—" Stiles cut himself off. He turned back to face Peter. "And he's the... oh my god I'm gonna die."

"No one's going to die," Brooke said confidently, trying to find a way to put herself between Stiles and both people staring them down.

Luckily, she didn't have to worry long. Derek appeared out of thin air, knocking the nurse out with his elbow. Brooke stepped firmly in front of Stiles so she was between him and Peter.

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