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I stand over the man's body. The gun quivers in my hand. The snow is stained red.

I know what I have done; I know what I am leaving behind. I take Pansy's small cold hand. I know she is strong, I know she is capable, I know she doesn't need me to hold her hand. But I need to hold hers, I need something to pull me along. I am fighting the urge to run back, back to safety, back to familiarity.

'It's not safe now.' Pansy's voice cuts through my thoughts.

'It was never safe.' I say.

I consider dropping the gun. Maybe if I have nothing to remind me of the death I have caused, maybe I can pretend it never happened.

I know this isn't true, so I tuck the gun into the waistband of my pants.

'We need to leave.' I announce. I hear murmurs of agreement. I don't know when I became the leader of our group, all I know is that I am.

My shoes crunch over the snow as we make our way towards the small plane. I don't know when I learned to fly a plane, all I know is that I can.

I sit in the cockpit, and shakily pull the head set over my ears. I don't know how I am going to save us, all I know is that I will. 

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