Chapter .01

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I sighed and threw my head back on my chair, carefully closing my eyes as I waited for my father to arrive.

After a couple of minutes of relaxing I heard the door open. I quickly opened my eyes and sat up properly. Soon he walked in.

"Good morning, Edward", I shot him a glance. He sat across from me, waiting for his whiskey to be poured, "you know that's bad for you...especially this early"

"Y/n I have something you must need to do. Your final mission", he sipped his drink , "it'll be simple yet a bit challenging. You must find this man and eliminate him" one of his bodyguards handed him a picture

I carefully studied it, "And who is this?", I sat back and waited for an answer

"He is Zoro Roronoa. You should recognize that name", I thought for a moment. I've heard that name before, "You must eliminate him before he takes over his fathers position or else it will be a great threat to our family".

"Sounds easy for someone like me", I smirked at him. I'm the best assassin our family has, it should be an easy mission, "Is that all?"

"I'll have them give you all the information you need to know", he stood up and began heading for the door, "Also, he's one of the best known assassins in the country"

Zoro Roronoa huh? Sounds like fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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