"Aw, I think I'm going to barf," Sam mumbled looking out the window.

Now the older Winchester and the suit bearing man were cuddling, Dean had one hand on the steering wheel and one around Cas, not to mention the angel being up to his side.

Oh god, Sam wasn't going to make it past the day… Or maybe even an hour of this.


The Impala finally pulled up in their motel parking lot as they all got out, Sam quicker that ussual.

"Cas wake up," Dean whispered brushing his raven curls away from his eyes.

"Dean..." He whispered dragging his hand across his "husbands" face sleepily.

Greadually the angel opened his eyes with a smile... "I missed you, Dean," He mumbled.

"I was here the whole time," The Winchester laughed staring into Castiel's deep blue eyes that he always seemed to get lost in.

"I missed seeing your face," The raven-haired man clarified with a smile.

Slowly they made their way into the hotel room, of course seeing Sam already doing research.

"Getting another hunt?" Dean asked with a smile.

It's like they didn't even know they were hexed, Sam just nodded though to busy to even tell them what he was doing.

Out of the corner of his eye, the younger Winchester watched as Dean and Cas were heading toward the bathroom... Together.

"I thought angels didn't need to shower," He started looking the couple up and down.

"Well..." Neither of them had a good answer.

"Whatever," Sam mumbled brushing it off.

About thirty minutes later both men got out of the shower soaking wet... In their underwear. "Oh god guys why!" Sam exclaimed turning away.

The "married" couple shrugged climbing into bed together.

Gradually the younger Winchester grew tired and around five hours later he was ready to climb into bed and never wake up... However, the sight of Dean and Cas shocked him… Even thought he knew that were part of a love spell he just couldn’t handle this…

They were wrapped in each other's arms, half of Castiel laying right on Dean, as his head fell in the older Winchesters neck. The green-eyed man's arms were tightly around the angel like he was trying to prevent him from leaving.

Sam quickly took a picture, getting to bed.


The boys still weren't back to normal after a week and Sam was about having enough of it. One he hated being the third wheel and two they were WAY to lovey dovey.

So they were now on they're way to stopping the Witch and ending this once and for all.

"Cas," Dean whispered with a smile. "I love you,"

They began to kiss as Sam sighed going into the trunk and getting out three guns with witch killing bullets.

"Now let's go kill a witch!" The angel exclaimed with a smile as Dean's arm slowly went around his shoulders.

There she was standing right in front of them with a smirk on her face. "Ah, you finally found me," She mumbled with a smirk.

"Lift the course!" Sam demanded holding up his gun. "Or I'll use these witch killing bullets!"

"What curse?" She asked with a smirk.

"Don't play dumb! The one you set on them!" The younger Winchester exclaimed gesturing toward Dean and Cas who were too busy staring at each other.

"Oh, honey you didn't know," The witch mumbled taking a step closer.

"That spell only lasts Twenty four hours,"

That was how the story of Destiel Began.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  THIS IS TO PROMOTE MY NEW DESTIEL BOOK THAT I WILL BE PUBLISHING LATER TODAY! FOLLOW ME @Lexinator04 for more supernatural and other fanfics! 





Thanks for reading I hope you all enjoyed.



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