61. Fathers Minds

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Paulo came out of his thoughts as heard the lock on the door open. He saw Costanzo at the door staring at him from across the metal bars that were secured to the ceiling and floor. There was a lock to open them but he didn't. He had bag in his hand that he threw at him from through the bars.

Costanzo said "Dinner time. Last supper in New York Before I send you on your way."

Paulo didn't touch the bag. He asked "Where am I being sent?"

Costanzo said "Sicily. To see your father then you are banished. Then you will get a taste of justice when Vincenzo turns into an adult. When he turns twenty one. That's in 4 years time. So you have some time to write up your defence when put on trial. Since Vincenzo is still under age."

Paulo asked "Trial? For what crimes?"

Costanzo said "You met up with Vincenzo as a child. You tried to influence him. There is no way Francesco will let you get away with it."

Paulo said "Why not just put me on trial now?"

Costanzo said "Francesco decided to wait until his son turns into an adult... Francesco wants to take revenge on you for what you did to his son. Vincenzo wants to take revenge on you for what you did to his father. Francesco doesn't want his son to be occupied with such matters. So he is going to give his son time to grow into an adult and so he can assess how much damage you have done to his son."

Paulo stood up and walked towards the door "Why are you here? Why are you the one to deliver the news."

Costanzo said "No one else wants to see you. I don't either and I won't. You are on your own. I thought I could forgive you. I thought I could forget. But when I saw mother coming to your defence pleading for your release, I see you took the last thing away from Francesco and I. Our mother has sympathy for you. That has destroyed so much for us."

Paulo asked "Where is Maria?"

Costanzo said "Where she chooses to be."

Paulo said "Francesco will wait for the trial? He likes waiting. I want to see him now."

Costanzo said " Francesco is choosing to focus his energy on dealing with another matter. You are lucky he is busy with other matters and with his family. As much as he wants to make you pay for meeting his son behind his back, he cares for his son's well being more. He cares for his family more. He will wait. He will make sure you wont ever get in touch with his son again. Not until he is an adult able to comprehend the extent of what you did."

Paulo said " I am Vincenzo's grandfather. It was my right to see him. Francesco denied me the right. I simply took freedom of taking what I was entitled to. Every grandfather is allowed to see his grandchildren."

Costanzo said "Francesco doesnt expect you to understand. Thats what he has been trying to tell Vincenzo that no matter what happens, you are not a man who is able to comprehend certain values."

Paulo said " Thats not you talking. Thats your wife... Just like how Francesco has been following his wife's rules at home..."

Costanzo said "Actually my wife and Francesco's wife believe we must make peace with you. They dont know how unwelcome it is to make peace with you. I dont think Francesco has appreciated how you have been influencing Vincenzo to hate my wife while you never dared poison his mind about his mother. That will catch up with you... Amaranta's mother rejected you so you despise me for marrying her daughter. You were never satisfied with what you had Ever. You called her people "an unfaithful family with no honour"..."

Paulo said "I think you seem to forget that Amaranta's brother, Ambrogio is the reason Vincenzo doesnt like your wife's family. He went after Adele. Vincenzo never forgave that. It has got nothing to do with me."

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