New Scores: Lukercy, Blitzstone, Valgrace, Pipeyna, and Fierrochase

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This chapter is simply a quick update over all of the ships that I've changed my mind on. Ships change, opinions change, and even scores can change, so I wanted to go ahead and give my new opinions and or/scores on these ships, before I do the overview. 

Lukercy - I gave Lukercy WAAAAY too much credit in my first chapter about them. The ship doesn't deserve for me to like it tbh, the concept may SOUND good, and it certainly would make a good story, but nah. To make Lukercy work it'd all be too damn convoluted, right down to that age difference. Besides, if you gotta change a ship so drastically for it to work, that means that the ship doesn't work. I've given so many other ships flack because of that, and it's not fair that Lukercy doesn't get the same treatment. 

> New score: 3.5/10

Blitzstone - I only said I liked Blitzstone in that last chapter. That was a naive thing to say, mostly because Hammer of Thor hadn't come out yet. I wasn't expecting them to get moment after moment after moment all until the series ended. This ship is so beautiful and amazing dfkjgbdfkjgbk they deserve a better score than a 7. 

> New score: 8/10

Valgrace - I don't ship it as much as I used to. I definitely think they have some good content that really makes the ship work, but Leo and Jason are also too platonic in canon so I feel like Valgrace doesn't stand on much besides that. I still like some ideas of Valgrace (Leo getting all flustered because Jason is so hot, the banter, the potential chemistry, and the pining), but it doesn't get to me as much as it used to. 

>New Score: 6.5/10

Pipeyna - Not much to say except that it grew on me and that it deserves a higher score. (The fact that finding content that fits how I see them helped as well). 

> New score: 7.5/10

Fierrochase - Same as above. Mostly because I took time to think about the ship and realize that DAMN it's really good!!

> New score: 8.5/10

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