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I woke up with Milo gone. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Bruises were still scattered throughout my body and dried tears were on my face. I slowly climbed out of bed. I looked out my window and saw no cars still.

As I got out of bed, I was almost scared. I mean can anyone blame me, after the night I had. I slowly opened my door and crept downstairs, just in case anyone was here. I called for my mother, no response. Next Hayley and then Sam. No reply's. Even if I was in a house full of ghosts and demons, a wave of relief washed over me.

I rested my shoulders and went to the fridge. I grabbed out a bottled water and some grapes. I turned on the tv and began watching some program. I munched on the grapes and chugged the water washing away all the dehydration from crying.

When I was finished, I threw my trash in the bin and trudged upstairs. Entering the bathroom, I flipped on the faucet and water sprayed out. I began peeling my clothes of and I got in.

Instantly I was swayed by the relief of the hot water even if it stung on my injuries. I heard a sound and grabbed a bottle of one of Haley's expensive soaps. I slowly looked out of the shower curtain and saw James standing there.

"Well hello Olivia." He said a smirk on his face.

"You're disgusting." I rolled my eyes but still clutched the bottle in defense.

"So you honestly think a bottle of soap is gonna stop me from doing something." He chuckled.

"No but at least I'm trying. Here you can have it, it's your girlfriends anyway." I threw the bottle and it missed him hitting the wall. He looked and turned backed towards me.

"Girlfriend? You jealous?" He chuckled.

"Please, stop bullshitting me. You trying to give MY opportunity to my bitch sister." I yelled through my teeth.

"Oh, that's just Incase you don't follow through, between us, you're a way better candidate." He smirked.

"I realize that, now get out." I said. He laughed and began walking closer.

"Are you dumb, I said leave."

He smirked turned around and disappeared. I turned back and let the hot water run all over. When I was done about twenty minutes later, I wrapped a towel around myself. It had Haley's Initials on it. I smirked as I wrapped it around myself and walked into my room.

Dropping the towel I began to get dressed. Again I felt a presence over me but that happens al the time here so I figured nothing was wrong.

I had no idea what I was gonna do today. I mean I had no car, no friends, and nothing to do in this awful house. Not even cell reception. So I decided I would read. All day I read and climbed trees, but I never once saw Milo. I even stepped like three feet into the church before retreating.

When night fell, my family still wasn't home which made me happy anyways. I looked up at the ceiling pondering when I heard a noise from the other side of the room. Milo stood with a smile.

"Ready to watch tape three." He smirked and said in an eerie voice.

My smile immediately dropped.

"Okay, so I don't see you all day, James hassles me in the shower and you're nowhere to be seen until you wanna watch the third tape, wow." I frowned and laid back down.

"James hassled you?" He asked kind of confused but mostly pissed.

"Oh now you care." I laughed sarcastically. His face turned guilty.

"I've already had enough hurt in my life and if you're gonna hurt me to, maybe you should stay away." I said my voice cracking. He immediately came over and tried to hug me but I shrugged away.

"Let's just go watch this damn tape." I snapped getting up.

I walked downstairs and into the basement. The next kid stepped out and handed Milo a tape. I tried to read it but it was taken to quickly, I mean I wanted a heads up of what I was in for. I sat a little away from Milo but he scooted closer and I away. As soon as the tape started, Milo was crazed.

I rolled my eyes and drew my attention to the sheet. It showed a family, working together doing home renovations. I kind of smiled as I forgot about what was to come. Then the scene switched my heart dropped to my stomach.

The whole family was tied by their hands to pipes of some sort. Water was all around them filling the room. The child holding the camera had rain boots on. He grabbed an exposed wire and touched the water with it. Suddenly the whole family started shaking being electrocuted. Small sobs escaped my mouth. My nose began running. The filmed stopped and all the children looked at me.

Milo embraced me in a hug his cold skin touching mine. I hated watching those, but Milo said great things would come from it. Also it helped stop the nightmares and numb the pain. Besides, there was something interesting about them. That sounds crazy I know but they kind of intrigued me.

Milo looked into my eyes, "are you okay." He says to me. I nod and get up saying nothing.
Hey guys! Here's an update for you. The tea is warming up! I started watching AHS (American horror story) and violet and Tate give me an Olivia and Milo vibe! I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️🤙🏻

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