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It was finally night. I had been waiting all day till I would go down to the basement. The hours dragged on all day long and it felt like five years had gone by while I waited for the bright sun to go to sleep and the vibrant moon to rise. I sat in bed and waited. I waited for Milo. After about ten more minutes of waiting, I decided I would go by myself. As I walked downstairs I got chills.

As I stepped down the creaky stairs, my heart was beating out of my chest. When I got to the bottom Milo was nowhere to be found. There was only darkness. I quickly looked around when I heard a voice.

"Hey sweetheart." The voice said. It wasn't Milo, no it didn't sound anything like him.

I slowly turned around. I saw the boy Milo hates, James walk out of the darkness. Both of them were extremely tall compared to me. He strides over to me. He was so close I could feel his deathly gaze. He towered over me, smirking. He put his hand on my cheek while I quivered. I looked into his grey eyes and my stomach turned with much fright. He then slipped his hand from my cheek to my mouth. He covered it while I yelped. He then whispered in my ear,

"Why be with Milo, I'm so much better." He whispered. Where the hell was Milo. I never wanted to admit this but I need him. James then started dragging me into a dark corner. What was he gonna do. Tears streamed down my face as I fought, but it was no use compared to his strength. He let his hand slip from my mouth temporarily and I screamed with all the might I possible had. Loudly I yelled "MILO!"
Milo's POV
I stood in the church with bughuul informing him everything was going okay with Olivia. When I was with her though, I felt different than I ever had. Bughuul said one last thing before walking into a dark room. I stood there and realized this is where I had murdered my family. Blood stained the floor and I smiled. I stood there for what felt like hours when I heard a scream. A scream for my name. Olivia's. What was happening. I quickly disappeared and into the basement.
Olivia's POV
I was almost to the dark in which James was dragging me to. I still fought but I realized it was hopeless. I kicked and punched relentlessly but I eventually gave in. My body when limp and James had won. Whatever he wanted he was going to get. Just then Milo appeared.

"I'm going to kill you!" He yelled and lunged at James. James dropped me and was punched by Milo who was an inch or two shorter than James. James then tackled Milo and threw a few punches when I ran over. All I could do was try to rip James off of Milo but it was no use. Milo was laid on the ground while James quickly tried to grab me again, this time bridal style but Milo jumped up to swiftly and James let go and disappeared. Milo stood there hair in his face and a look like he would murder anyone. He then turned towards me.

"Why the hell did you come down here alone!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry Milo, I, I wanted to see you. "

"Don't ever do that AGAIN!" He yelled again gripping my wrist making me wince.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. Milo kind of teared up. He let go.

"Let's watch the tape." He said his expression immediately changing from worried to murderous. I was scared and I knew more than anything, this tape would make me want to be sick.

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