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I slept through the night after watching the first tape. That disgusting, inhuman tape. It still replayed In her mind. The screams, the family struggling. Just thinking about it made me sick. I slowly got out of bed. My wrists were still red from Milo dragging me along.

I yawned and proceeded down the steps. None of my family is awake. And now that I'm alone I had plenty of time to eat. Usually I wasn't aloud to eat Unless under strict provisions. My dad use to say I ate to much. He hates my guts and that's mainly because he hated my uncle, who I get my golden blonde hair from. All the rest of my family had dark hair, but mine could outshine the sun. My uncle was murdered and the police never caught the killer, but in all honesty, I think it might have been my father.

After my uncle died, it sent my mother into an emotional spiral. We use to be a decently happy family, until mom fell into depression. Dad hated me because I was a constant reminder of the man he hated. His own brother. And I think my mom might have had an affair with my quote on quote uncle and I strongly believe he could be my father. I know that's crazy but it could be an explanation of why my mother was so sad. Also Sam my "father" as of now was jealous enough to have killed his brother. I just missed my uncle, who again could be my father. He was kind, amazing, and had an amazing energy. When he was murdered I felt as if my heart had been ripped out.

My mom became depressed, my dad was a drunkard, and Hayley continued to become more vein. That's why I missed Seattle and my friends. They were my home and my escape. When I was with them, the world was right and nothing mattered to me more than the three. Thomas, Sophia, and Diana.

I quickly but quietly tiptoed over to the fridge and opened it cautiously. I grabbed a box of leftovers. It was all I could get to before my dad woke up. I began to run up the stairs when I was almost home free and my dad/ Sam walked out and my phone beeped. Shit!

"What the hell do you think your doing." He said getting closer.

With quick thinking I slid my leftovers under the bed.

"I was just going to the restroom." I responded quickly.

He walked over and wrapped a cold hand around my neck.

"You better not be bullshitting me little girl, I will find out every lie you tell."

"Honest, I would never lie." I whisper as his hand would squeeze the life out of me if I wasn't careful.

"Whatever." He let go letting me gasp for air. He pushed me and began walking down the steps. I walked into my room and closed the door.

"You can tell every lie huh." I scoffed and walked over to the bed. I reached under and opened the white foam box other people wouldn't care about, but this was my only source of enjoyment. It contained half of a steak, some veggies, and some cold French fries. I didn't care. We had been at this house for about four days and I was already starving. 

I quickly ate the fries and steak, but saved the veggies for later. I put the fork and knife in the box and slid it back under the bed. I walked into the bathroom and washed up. I splashed water on my face. Right as I opened my eyes Milo stood behind me giving me a devilish grin.

"Ahh." I practically yelled. I whipped around and saw the dark haired boy looking at me.

"What do you want Milo?" I asked.

"Ready for another tape tonight." His smirk is sinister.

"No I'm not watching those anymore." I said quickly.

"Oh trust me you will." He said the smile never once leaving his face.

"No I'm no-" before I could finish my mom called me downstairs. I pushed past Milo and headed down the stairs.

"Yes?" I asked my mother. She stood next to Hayley.

"Would you like to go to the grocery store with your sister and me." Mom says keys in hand. I quickly nodded as I needed greatly to get out of this hell hole. Without a second glance, still in my pajama pants I loaded into the car with my sister and mother and as we backed out, Milo stood by the church gazing at me and I didn't give him the attention he wanted. I just looked at my feet.

When we pulled in front of the store, it was pretty small and old, but it was like a breathe of fresh air. We walked into the store and Hayley walked right to the makeup, while mom headed for the food. I stalked shelves and looked around. I was at the back of the store In a drink section. A few drinks fell and I jumped quickly. I swiftly looked around and there he was. Milo. He leaned against a wall corner and smirked.

"This is too easy." He chuckled.

"Go away Milo!" I said as quietly as possible.

He just stood there smirking.

"I said go away." I kind of shouted this time.

He simply stood there.

"Go away!" I shouted throwing a drink at him. He moved and it exploded on the wall. Suddenly I heard a voice and my heart stopped, I turned to see Hayley standing there.

"What are you doing you fucking nutcase?" She vainly said. "And whose that?" She looked at Milo and fixed her hair. She began to walk over to him as he chuckled. He uncrossed his arms and walked the other direction taking a left. I laughed at her face of rejection. I grabbed a Gatorade, flipped my middle finger, and began to walk to the front of the store. Hayley was pissed.

When arriving back home I went straight to my room and threw the two things my mother got me on the ground. She got Hayley pounds of makeup. I laughed and rolled my eyes at the favoritism that is a regular occurrence. I heard a few strings from my guitar sing. When I looked over, Milo sat in the corner holding the guitar playing a sweet melody. I wanted to resist and yell at Milo, but he was strangely charming. He set the guitar down and began to slow dance with me. We were dancing when out of nowhere he disappeared. I needed to see Milo. But what if the only way to do that is by watching the tapes. I still didn't know why I had to watch the tapes anyway. But all I really was concerned with is I had to see the boy once more.

Milo Jacobs Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora