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I wondered the house at three am. Me being six years old, was a little skeptical of the things I thought to be inside of the darkness, I slowly walked. My fingers lightly brushed the walls. The darkness creeping around me. The cold floor tickled my feet and the creaking floor boards kept me company from the frightening dark. The house was slient except for the creaking under each step I take. I was hungry, I hadn't eaten in a while and I needed to. I was also parched and needed water.

I crept into the kitchen and grabbed out a glass. My hand reached towards the faucet turning it carefully. The clear liquid filled the empty glass up as I admired it. Taking a sip of water, a wave a relief wahsed over me and I finished it. Putting the glass down, I tiptoed to the frige opeing it carfully. There wasn't much to eat, but I could figure something out. I reached in the fride searching when a disturbing voice came from behind me. My father's rugged voice.

"what do you think you're doing little girl?" he asked. I slowly turn around about to burst into tears. I looked at the tall skinny man sitting before me. I swallowed hard and began to utter some words.

"I was just hungry and thirsty and getting some food." I told him. His hard face turning into a twisted smirk causing his disgusting teeth to show. He got up and grabbed my arm and began leading me to the basement. I kicked and yelled but he kept dragging me to the scary place I hated. I swear every time I was down there the worst things would happen. Once a family of raccoons came running out, and another time it started to flood until my mom would eventually come get me. Sometimes I would even feel as if someone was watching me, crazy right? He dragged me while I screamed with all my might. Suddenly we heard a voice and my dad stopped.

"This is how you treat your child?"  Someone said. I turned my head to see my uncle standing there more angry than I've ever seen him. I loved my Uncle Sawyer. He always protected me from the man I was supposed to call my father.

"What the hell can you tell me about raising MY CHILD, Sawyer?" Sam asked my uncle Sawyer angrily.

"I know damn well you aren't supposed to abuse her!" He shouted. Tears slowly inched their way down my cheeks.

"If you know so well, TAKE HER!" He yelled pushing me to my Uncle who was coming over to pick something up. My dad being the vein person he is left it on the doorstep so my uncle couldn't see him breaking me. My uncle had suspicions about it and went in. My uncle was supposed to also was supposed to come at Six am, but again suspicion.

My uncle picked me up as my father stormed out of the room.

"It's okay." He said as I cried. My uncle picked me up off of the ground and put me in his car. We drove to his house and I slept in the guest room. It felt good to actually sleep in a real bed. I have to sleep either on the couch or on the hard wood floor in Hayley's room. I always slept that way until we moved to a new house when I was ten. I always loved staying at my uncles for many reasons, but sleeping in an actual bed was a big part of it. The next morning my Uncle and I went to breakfast and we talked. He told me about how he was going to go to the police and tell them about how my father abused me and my mother neglected me everyday.

I hugged him and thanked him. His plan was to get them arrested and have me and Hayley placed in his care. Even though I hated her, it still would be better having to only deal with Haley. My uncle drove me home but I didn't want to leave him. Finally he got me back inside and I was happy all day thinking about how I would get to live with him soon.

But he never got the chance. That day he was murdered in his home. I swear I cried for two years. I missed him so much. I always wondered who did it and why. But I never knew if I was gonna find out.

Milo Jacobs Where stories live. Discover now