The New House

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We drove through the days and nights. We couldn't afford plane tickets, which was kind of ironic because I feel like gas would cost a lot more. Though, dad did have a lot of gallons in the back. And of course mom drove, dad was far to drunk to get behind any wheel.

I sat in the car listening to music. A song came on. A song I had known for so long, a song my boyfriend and I danced to and that me and my friends blasted in the car. I listened and tears streamed down my red face. I missed them so much.

Eventually I feel into a deep sleep. When I awoke, Hayley was shaking me.

"Come on, asshat. It's time to wake up." She hit me in the arm and I yelped. She just sat there laughing. I took out my ear buds and my mother and father were no longer in the car as they were probably inside already. I glared at Hayley and started to get out when she pushed pass me and climbed out.

"What the hell!" I yelled. I guess my father heard as he yelled back.

"Watch you language before a smack it out of your system!" He yelled angrily.

Hayley chuckled and flipped her straight brown hair. I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the car. I peered at the house and it was even more terrifying in person. I swallowed and exhaled. Grabbing my backpack out, I slammed my door and headed for the house. I slowly stepped in and inhaled taking in the House. Shivers ran down my spine. Something was not right. Well obviously, a family was murdered on these grounds.

I began to walk upstairs when I heard my dad and mom talk about the same topic. The House was old and rusted. The floors creaked going up the stairs. When I got upstairs, I looked. There were four rooms, a bathroom, master bedroom, a big room, and a smaller room that was less nice. I knew my parents would stay in the master and I walked to the bigger nicer one, I set my bag down and looked around. I was imaging my new room when I heard creaks behind me. I whipped around to see Hayley.

"What are you doing?" She questioned looking pissed.

"Um, chilling in MY ROOM."'I kind of shouted.

"Get out!" She yelled.

"No," I crossed my arms, "I was here first!" I yelled.

"I said GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" She yelled.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled. She then charged at me and pushed me on the bed and smacked me. I winced and she laughed. I kicked her in the stomach and she fell on the ground. By this time my dad and mom had come upstairs and spilt us up.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED." My dad shouted.

"She, she wouldn't get out of my room and she kicked me in the stomach." Hayley said whimpering. My dad looked at me and gave me the death stare.

"Dad please I didn't do anything to her!" I yelled. He got closer and his hand connected with my face. I winced In pain as my mother just watched me.

"Hayley gets the bigger,, better room." My dad screamed. I sat there dazed. I grabbed my backpack and ran into the other room. I was not coming out until I knew my parents weren't there. I hated my life. My mom didn't even care. I always expected her to be there for me and make things right with me. Clearly she couldn't even be there.

I slammed the door and stepped into the shitty room. I ran and jumped on the bed as tears streamed down my face and eventually I fell into a dark sleep.

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