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The first few days after their argument, there was a low level of tension between the two, but within a week it had seemed to dissipitate and by the time four weeks had passed, it was as if it had never happened at all. Soon enough the two were entirely back to normal, sneaking out late at night to meet each other in empty corridors or staying late after their astronomy lessons to spend that extra bit of time together. 

March 13th quickly rolled around and brought with it the final Slytherin house quidditch match and second to last match of the entire Inter-House competition. So far, Ravenclaw were up by two points, Slytherin second to them. If they won their game against Ravenclaw by at least 100 points then they'd make it to the top of the leaderboard, securing themselves an overall win. 

The whole school was buzzing with a nervous energy the morning before the game, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had banded together in support of Ravenclaw, while the Gryffindors were supporting the Slytherin team in hopes that their win would give the Gryffindor team a better chance at coming somewhere other than fourth. Louis had been anxious all week leading up the game and the Friday night before he'd hardly touched his dinner, instead Harry had observed how he just pushed his food around the plate with his fork and didn't even consider pudding. 

Breakfast was noisier than normal, students shouting across the hall and some of the older kids making bets amongst their friends. Niall and Adam had made a bet on Ravenclaw's win, which Harry didn't think was going to happen, although he didn't dare say that out loud. Louis and Liam were nowhere to be seen at breakfast, having most likely gone down much earlier than the rest of the school so they, and the rest of their teams could head down to the pitch for some last minute practice. 

11am came around before anyone even realised and the majority of the school began making their way down to the quidditch pitch. Even the students that didn't necessarily enjoy or care for quidditch came out and watched, mostly because it was a valid excuse as to why they hadn't done homework, but also because everyone else was there.

"We're 100% winning this!" Niall gloated to Zayn as the boys made their way into the stands. 

"Why do you say we like you're on the team? You're not even in Ravenclaw." The voice of Isabelle interjected, appearing out of nowhere on Niall's other side. 

"She makes a valid point." Zayn pointed out to Niall who had gone red in the cheeks. 

"Team spirit! School pride! You know the drill." He said, trying to save himself. 

 Zayn and Isabelle all laughed while Harry smirked to himself at the blush Niall was sporting. The five made their way through the stands and found a spot in the middle, down the Hufflepuff end of the pitch where Slytherin would be trying to score against Ravenclaw.

"I feel very out of place." Zayn remarked, looking over to the opposite end of the stands where the rest of Slytherin house were sitting, sporting any item of clothing they had in green. 

"You're one of us now." Niall teased, taking off his Hufflepuff scarf and wrapping it around Zayn's neck, flicking the end up into his face. 

The Slytherin rolled his eyes but made no move to take the scarf off, looking at Niall in exasperation. Harry, feeling too anxious to sit down, let Isabelle take his seat in the stands next to Niall, while he stayed standing, leaning against the bar in front of them. Somehow, they'd got lucky enough to get sits in the front row, so with no other students in front of them, they had the perfect view. 

Harry let his mind run away with him as he stood staring out at the grass on the pitch. He tried to tell himself that the anxiety he was feeling was due to the fact that he wanted Ravenclaw to win the game, but really that wasn't the case. Mostly he didn't care about who won, he was just feeling anxious for Louis, he knew how badly the other boy wanted to play well and had witnessed first hand the amount of effort and training Louis had put in.

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