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Louis and Harry had been writing each other letters constantly since the 2nd of January and had finally managed to arrange for Louis to go up to Harry's house on the 7th and stay 2 nights. Anne had been happy to let the boy come and stay, keen on meeting him after Niall had told her all about him, with Harry's input every now and then, unable to resist talking about the boy. Niall was just happy to talk about him, and was even happier now that Harry and Louis were friends again and that there wouldn't be the weird tension in the group that there had been before Christmas. Gemma couldn't care less either way, too busy studying for her N.E.W.T. exams. 

Seeing as he hated taking the floo, Louis was getting the train into the station near where Harry lived, due to arrive around 4pm, so by a quarter to the hour, Harry and his mum were sat in the car in the car park for the station. Sat in the passenger seat, Harry was drumming his fingers on his left thigh, while his right leg bounced up and down to dispel his nervous energy. 

"Why are you nervous?" His mum asked gently, putting her hand on her sons knee and trying to hold it down to stop the tremors. 

"I'm not nervous, I'm excited." Harry replied, only half lying.

 He was excited, even if he had only seen the boy a week ago, he'd still missed his presence and was excited to spend time with him. However, he was actually also nervous, they hadn't really spoken about whatever was going on between them, and Harry knew it would only be a matter of time before they needed to. 

"Go and get out and wait near the platforms so he can see you and doesn't have to wander around aimlessly, it'll be good for you to stretch your legs as well." Anne sighed, trying to give her son something to do. 

Harry nodded, opening the car door and getting out before making his way into the station. The boards showing the train arrival times were lit up and the train Louis was getting in was said to be 'on time', giving Harry only ten minutes until they were face to face again. 

It felt like the longest ten minutes of his life, but as soon as he saw the ruffled brown hair in the crowd, he felt at ease. Louis' face popped up above the shoulders of the people around him, clearly standing on his tip toes so he could gain some extra vantage in order to see Harry. As soon as they made eye contact, both boys grinned, and Louis began speeding up his pace so he could reach Harry even faster. 

"Hi." He spoke as soon as he was in touching distance of Harry. 

"Hey." Harry responded, his cheeks hurting from smiling so much. 

Ever the gentleman, Harry reached out to take Louis' bag for him, ignoring the protests of the shorter boy who finally, reluctantly handed it over. In return for his gesture, Louis squashed his nerves and leaned up to kiss Harry, although the taller of the two subtly deflected it and instead leaned in to hug him. 

"My mum's in the car." Was what Harry said in explanation, patting Louis' back a few times before stepping out of the hug and turning to lead the way to the car park. 

Louis frowned slightly, but made no comment, shrugging it off and following Harry out of the station. They left the station and came to stop at a silver prius, Harry gesturing for Louis to get in the backseat while he opened the boot of the car and put Louis' bag in, before heading to the passenger door. 

As he pulled the door shut behind him, he turned back to look at Louis, still with a smile on his face as he made sure the other boy knew where the seatbelt was. 

"Hello m'am, I'm Louis." He introduced himself to Harry's mum as they pulled out of the car park, fidgeting slightly out of first time nerves but trying not to show them. 

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