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Saturday the 23rd of January led to Harry and Niall sat in the great hall finishing their breakfast and waiting for the post to come in. 

"What do you think of Iz?" Niall asked, looking down the table at the red head who was chatting happily to a group of girls. 

"Huh?" Harry responded. 

He hadn't been listening and instead had been staring across the hall at where Louis was sat at the Slytherin table, eating his breakfast and laughing away with Stan, Ant, Liam and Zayn. 

"Oi, pay attention." Niall slapped Harry's arm, fully gaining the brunettes attention, along with a deadly glare as he rubbed his arm. 

"What?" Was Harry's response, voice laced with attitude. 

"I said, what do you think of Iz?" 

"Iz, as in Isabelle?" 

"Yes Harry, stop being so thick and answer my question." Niall scolded, quickly growing impatient with his best friend. 

"I mean, in what way?" 

"I don't know Harry, in any way, just tell me what you think of her." 

"Erm." Harry followed Niall's eye down the table to look at Isabelle. 

The girl had just thrown her head back in laughter at something one of her friends had said, twirling a strand of her hair round her finger as she did so. She was pretty, although not as pretty as Louis, he thought, which then led him into thinking about Louis and trying not to let it show on his face. Shaking his head, he focused back on the girl. From the years of being in her house he knew her relatively well and all the time they'd done homework and eaten breakfast together meant he knew she was someone with a heart big enough to fit everyone inside. 

"She's lovely, you know how nice she is, she's got a heart of gold and such a big personality." Harry told him, finally looking back at Niall. 

"Do you think she's fit?" The blonde asked, his question startling him. 

"Err, I mean, yeah, she's quite pretty." 

Just as Harry lifted up his cup of pumpkin juice and took a sip, Niall asked, "Would you shag her?" 

Spluttering and choking slightly on his drink, Harry looked at Niall incredulously, waiting for the boy to start laughing and say it was a joke. But he didn't.

"Christ Niall, no, I wouldn't, she's not my type." Harry answered, his mind wandering to exactly who his type was. 

"Hmmm," Niall hummed, still looking at the girl, "I think I would."

"Niall," Harry said, slight shock in his voice, "what the hell has gotten into you? This is the sort of objectification we don't stand for." 

Niall tore his eyes away and looked at Harry, his face apologetic, but before he could speak, they were interrupted by the sounds of the owls flying into the room. Instantly the hall filled with the squawking and chatter of the animals. Harry looked up to see Rocket flying towards him, two small packages and a letter tied to her foot. 

Raising an eyebrow as she landed, Harry picked up his uneaten toast crust from his plate and gave it to her, the bird taking it in her beak with a happy squawk as Niall stroked two fingers down her back. He untied the post from her leg, seeing one of the packages was addressed to Niall and not thinking anything of it as he handed it to him, his mum often wrote to the other boy. The letter was for him and as he turned the other package over he recognised his mum's curly handwriting shaped around the name 'Louis'. 

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