Ask Ash

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Why is World Unity such a big deal?

We all dream of living in a place that is safe for everyone. The idea of World Unity is being able to unite, cooperate and live in a world where everyone is treated equally. World Unity is something that everyone can work towards, no matter where they live or who they are. It's a positive goal that helps to bring out the best in everyone and to make the world safer, healthier and happier.

How can I be involved with World Unity?

Treat everyone equally and with respect, so in other (cheesier) words: treat others how you want to be treated. Be the best person you can be, you'll never lose and it'll just make you a happier person. World Unity doesn't just include people on the other side of the world, it includes your neighbours, the person who sits next to you in class or on the bus, people you meet walking down the street. So, basically everyone you encounter on a daily basis. Join a sports team, a committee/ club at school, help out your local community or just smile and say 'Hi' to people. It doesn't have to be a full on commitment, just be yourself, make others comfortable and be happy. Spread the love!

Ash over and out! (where even is that from?)

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