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This month in WattNews, we are having a summertime blast!

The Young Author's Prize is in full swing, many writing contests are going on. Some threads are rocking, some covers popping!

The possibilities are endless! You can join a game, role play, read something new, write

something crazy! You can start a diary, start a rant book, or join a magazine!

It seems like I have a lot on my plate right now, but it's ok, because I'm hungry. Including the Authors Game I'm in, I have my book, a rant book I'm starting, two books in my brain, Project Appreciate, two articles in this magazine, threads I go on, and a whole lot of books in my library.

It sounds like I have no time, since this is just the stuff on Wattpad, but it's rewarding. It keeps

me occupied, and Wattpad keeps me away from the summertime blahs. It'll keep you away from boredom, but instead of just reading the same book, commenting on that same thread, why don't you amp up your Wattpading?

If you've never read fanfiction or fantasy, why not give it a try? Ask your Wattpad bestie for some good book recommendations. Open up a cover making thread if you like making covers. Start a conversation (or join a new one) in the Café. Start a new book, or continue your old one with a plot twist!

Maybe you can meet someone new or discover a new part of the world! Many books are sharing the love from around the world. There are many authors from around the world who have their books right here on Wattpad! I personally have friends on here from places like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, England, L.A. , and many other places!

The Café is a great place to meet others, and you might even be meeting your next Wattpad bestie! You might gain some followers, a new read, or a brand new friendship!

Whatever you choose to do, have fun with it. Learn something new. Create something fresh. You might become the next J.K. Rowling, Friendly Fred, Katniss Everdeen, Club Cassidy, a Pen Pal, or a fantastic person in general!

I'm not going to give you guys full on book recommendations this month because this is the

month of the world. Open you eyes, and see the world as one.

Find a book about a Muslim growing up in American society. (Boys? Ew. by how_about_no,

Confessions of a Muslim Girl by LoveUnconditionally)

Read a rant book, and see the world through another's eyes. (Haters Gonna Hate by Parogar, Let's Rant by ginawriter)

Just read. Write. Laugh. Talk. Explore. Imagine. Create.

Adios for now,


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